Eger Cathedral

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Eger Cathedral
View into the dome and the high altar

The Eger Cathedral in the northern Hungarian city ​​of Eger (Ger. Erlau ) is the episcopal church of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Eger . The neoclassical dome - Basilica with the patronage of St. John the Evangelist and the Archangel Michael was 1831-1837 according to plans by József Hild built. It is the second largest church in Hungary.


After the end of Turkish rule Eger was raised to the seat of archbishopric in 1804. But only Johann Ladislaus Pyrker , who became Archbishop of Eger in 1826, was able to build the new cathedral.


The cathedral is a three-aisled basilica. The transept crosses in the middle between the nave in the east and the choir in the west . The dome with a round, windowed drum stands above the crossing . The two tall bell towers are attached to the choir. The portal vestibule in the east is designed as a portico in the style of a Greek temple.


Inside, the dense rows of marble columns, the frescoed flat domes over the nave and choir and the bright main dome dominate the spatial impression. Classicist forms, linked to the Baroque in terms of iconography , characterize the artistic furnishings.

View of the main organ

The main organ is one of the largest in Hungary with 99 stops and five manuals . It was built by Ludwig Mooser in 1864 and then expanded several times. The Angster choir organ from 1910 has two manuals with 10 registers.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Eger, basilica

Web links

Commons : Eger Cathedral  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 47 ° 53 '57.8 "  N , 20 ° 22'23.7"  E