József Hild

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József Hild (1845), lithograph by Franz Eybl

József Hild (born December 8, 1789 in Pest ; † March 6, 1867 there ) was a Hungarian architect and master builder of classicism .

Hild was one of the most influential architects of the Hungarian reform period in the first half of the 19th century. In addition to numerous large cathedral buildings throughout Hungary, he planned, among other things, the classicist redesign of Pest's Leopoldstadt .


József (also Jósef) Hild was the second child of the town planning engineer Johann Hild (1766–1811) and his wife Klára Hild, who had only moved from Vienna to Pest in 1789 . Until 1804 he attended the Pest Piarist High School and during this time he also studied in his father's office. At the age of 16, his father sent him to Vienna for training and József studied at the Vienna Art Academy and with Karl Ritter von Moreau (1758–1840), the then court architect of the Esterházy family . In 1809 Hild joined his father's construction company, and due to his father's early death, he took over the business in 1811. Hild asked the Palatine for a building and architecture license, which was to be granted to him on condition that he had more practical experience.

The Vienna Art Academy awarded Hild a travel grant. From 1816 to 1820 he went on a long study trip to Italy and Greece and visited a. a. Milan , Florence , Rome , Naples and Athens . He spent most of that time in Rome studying the churches and cathedrals of the Renaissance . After returning to Pest in the 1820s, he received some private commissions and slowly built a reputation as an architect. By the beginning of the 1830s he realized his first projects, including a. Gross-Haus (1825), Lloyd-Palast (1828) and Diana-Bad (1822).

Today's Lipótváros ( Leopoldstadt )

Hild's most productive time as an architect was in the years after the Pest flood of 1838. He was responsible for the reconstruction of the city and designed around 200 villas, commercial buildings and city palaces. In 1844 he was awarded the title of “master builder” and from 1845 he was “city master builder” in Pest.

During the 1830s, Hild also began planning larger church conversions and new buildings, including a. the Egerer dome (1830-1837) and the Ostrihom dome (1839-1845), the largest church building Hungary. Along with Pest, Esztergom became one of his main types of work. In addition to the basilica, he also planned the diocesan library and seminar for the Archdiocese of Esztergom , the buildings for the Szent Imre grammar school and the local savings bank. In 1845 he made trips to Italy and Germany again. a. Munich .

1851 Hild was the architectural line for the construction of the Budapest St. Stephen's Basilica commissioned (1851-1905), after his death under Miklós Ybl (1814-1891) in the style of Neo-Renaissance continued and in 1905 led by József Kauser completed has been. Hild died in 1867 at the age of 77 of complications from pneumonia. He was buried in the Kerepescher Friedhof .


József Hild planned and built over 900 buildings.

Sacred buildings (selection)

St. Stephen's Basilica , Budapest (1851–1905)

Profane buildings (selection)

  • 1821–1822: Diana Bath, Budapest
  • 1824–1825: Gross-Haus ( Gross-ház ), Budapest
  • 1827–1828: Lloyd-Palast ( Lloyd-palota ) der ( Pesti polgári kereskedelmi testület ), 5th district of Budapest
  • 1830: Derra House ( Derra-ház ), Budapest
  • 1832: Károlyi – Trattner House ( Károlyi – Trattner-ház ), Budapest
  • 1833: Nako House ( Nako-ház ), Budapest
  • 1834: Sándor-Metternich Castle ( Sándor-Metternich-kastély ), Bajna
  • 1832–1837: Kubinyi Castle ( Kubinyi-kastély ), Tápiószentmárton,
  • 1835–1837: Wieser House ( Wieser-ház ), Budapest
  • 1836–1837: Tanzer-Haus ( Tanzer-ház ), Budapest
  • 1838–1840: Teleki Castle ( Teleki-kastély ), Gyömrő
  • 1839–1840: Wagner House ( Wagner-ház ), Budapest
  • 1841: Valero silk mill, Budapest
  • 1842: Lukács Bath , Budapest
  • 1844: Villa Hild, II. Budapest District
  • 1845: Császár Bath , Budapest
  • 1846: Villa Libasinszky, Budapest
  • 1852: Pscherer House ( Pscherer-ház ), Budapest
  • 1844–1853: Ullmann-Haus ( Ullmann-ház ), Budapest
  • 1853–1854: Szent Imre-Gymnasium, Esztergom
  • 1853–1853: Cathedral Library, Esztergom
  • 1861: Schossberger House ( Schossberger-ház ), Budapest
  • 1861: Pesti Magyar Kereskedelmi Bank , later the Gerbeaud House ( Gerbeaud-ház ), Budapest
  • 1860–1862: Spa'rkasse building ( Takarekpenztar ), Esztergom
  • 1860–1865: Seminar, Esztergom


A number of schools are named after Hild today, including a. the József Hild elementary school ( Általános Iskola ) in Budapest and the József Hild construction school in Győr .


  • László Geró: Hungarian architecture until the end of the XIX century Century , Építésügyi Kiadó, Budapest, 1954
  • Károly Lyka : Hungarian Art 1800–1850 , Corvina, Budapest, 1981

Individual evidence

  1. Hild, Josef. In: Austrian Biographical Lexicon 1815–1950 (ÖBL). Volume 2, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Vienna 1959, p. 315.
  2. a b c d e Miklós Kalmár: Hild József, a reformkor építész vállalkozója . In: Budapest University of Technology and Economics (ed.): Architectura Hungariae . Budapest 1999 ( online [accessed April 25, 2012]). online ( Memento of the original from October 9, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / arch.eptort.bme.hu
  3. Budapest History Museum (BTM): Tanulmányok Budapest múltjából . Budapest 1939, p. 86-89 .
  4. Entry about József Hild in the Hungarian Biographical Lexicon (MEK) of the National Széchényi Library (Hungarian)
  5. a b c d e f g h i j k Gábor Papp: Hild József . In: Enciklopédia (ed.): Artportal Hungary . Budapest ( online [accessed April 25, 2012]). online ( Memento of the original from April 1, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / artportal.hu

Web links

Commons : József Hild  - collection of images, videos and audio files