Kazimierz Zając

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Kazimierz Zając (born September 20, 1916 in Krosno ; † May 6, 2012 ) was a Polish economist , statistician and university professor .


After attending school, Zając studied economics and was a member of the Polish Home Army during the Second World War . After the end of the war he worked as an economist and statistician in the People's Republic of Poland and between 1965 and 1995 was a member of the Scientific Council of the Główny Urząd Statystyczny (CIS), the Central Statistical Office subordinate to the Polish Prime Minister .

In 1971 he took over a professorship at the Cracow School of Economics , which in 1974 was renamed the Cracow Academy of Economics ( Akademia Ekonomiczna w Krakowie ). In 1977 he was appointed to a professorship at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow , where he taught until his retirement . During this time he was also chairman of the Committee for Economic Sciences of the Polska Akademia Nauk (PAN), the Polish Academy of Sciences, and most recently from 1996 to 2000 a member of the CIS Science Council.

As an economist and statistician, he dealt with economic analyzes of public budgets and the taxonomic analysis of economic regions and also proposed a new model for the dynamics of wage distribution.


In addition to his teaching and research activities, Zając has written a number of economics books such as:

  • Ekonometryczna analiza budżetów domowych ("Econometric Analysis of the Household Budget", 1966)
  • Ekonomiczne metody ustalania rejonów konsumpcji ("Economic method for determining the areas of consumption", 1978)
  • Metody wielowymiarowej analizy porównawczej w badaniach rozwoju demograficznego ("Methods of multivariate analysis of comparative studies on population development", 1991, co-author)
  • Matematyczne modele procesów innowacji ("Mathematical models of innovation processes", 1992, co-author)

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