Kazys Škirpa

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Kazys Skirpa.png

Kazys Škirpa (born February 18, 1895 in Namajūnai , Wolost Saločiai , Kovno Governorate, Russia, now Pasvalys Rajongemeinde ; † August 18, 1979 in Washington, DC ) was a Lithuanian politician and diplomat , ambassador , colonel , founder of Lietuvių aktyvistų frontas .


In 1915 he graduated from the Mintauja high school and studied at the Peterburg Institute of Commerce . In 1916 he was mobilized to the Imperial Russian Army . He graduated from the Petergof War School and became an officer. In 1921 he studied at the military faculty of the ETH Zurich in Switzerland . In 1922 he attended college courses for officers in Kaunas . In 1925 he graduated from the Royal Military Academy in Brussels . In 1918 he became a volunteer in the Lithuanian Army . From 1920 to 1921 he was a representative in the Steigiamasis Seimas in the Lietuvos socialistų liaudininkų democracy partija (part of the LSLDP and Lietuvos valstiečių sąjunga bloc ). In 1925 he headed the 2nd Department in the General Staff of the Lithuanian Armed Forces. He was a lecturer in the college courses for officers and taught at the Kaunas War School . From 1927 he was a diplomat , from 1927 head of the consular department in the Berlin legation . From 1928 he was a Lithuanian war representative for Germany. After that he was envoy to Germany, Latvia and Poland . After the Second World War he was evacuated to Paris . From 1946 he lived in Ireland , from 1949 in the USA . He worked at the Library of Congress .

In 1995 his grave was erected in the Petrašiūnai cemetery .



  • Kazys Škirpa. Sukilimas.
  • Škirpa Kazys, Trumpos Steigiamojo Seimo narių biografijos su atvaizdais, Klaipėda, 1924, p. 60.
  • Škirpa Kazys, Lietuvių enciklopedija, Boston, 1964, t. 30, p. 32-34.
  • Truska L., Škirpa Kazys, Lietuvos Steigiamojo Seimo (1920–1922 metų) narių biografinis žodynas, sud. A. Ragauskas, M. Tamošaitis, Vilnius, 2006, p. 377-379.