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Diobol from Kebren, 5th century BC. Chr.

Kebrene or Kebren ( Greek  Κεβρήνη or Κέβρην ), also Antiocheia , was an ancient Greek city. It was located in the central Skamander Valley in the Troas , a landscape in the northwest of today's Turkey, between the island of Lesbos in the south and the Hellespont in the north.

According to Xenophon , the population of Kebrenes consisted of Greeks and locals. From around 480 BC. The city minted silver coins - especially obols , their multiples and parts - and later also bronze coins. The coins often show a ram's head as a heraldic animal. Kebrene, which according to Ephorus was founded by Kyme from his hometown Kyme , was founded in the 5th century BC. BC. Member of the Attic League . After Athens was defeated in the Peloponnesian War in 404 BC. The city came under the control of the satrap Pharnabazos II , even if it was briefly in the hands of Sparta . In the year 360/59 BC It was conquered by Charidemus , but shortly afterwards recaptured by Artabazos II .

Around 310 BC Through Synoikismos , Kebrene became part of the city ​​of Antigonia Troas, founded by Antigonus I. . In BC Alexandria Troas was renamed. Kebrene itself ceased to exist as an independent city. At the time of Strabon there was no longer Kebrene.

On the basis of coins, which are typical representatives of the Kebrene coins according to their motifs, but name Antiocheia as the formative city as inscription, Louis Robert and others put forward the assumption that Kebrene together with Birytis in a new synoikism as Antiocheia Troas in the year 281 v. Was newly founded by Antiochus I.



  1. Xenophon, Hellenika 3, 1, 18.
  2. Ephoros, Fragments of the Greek Historians . Part 2, Volume 2a, Berlin 1926, No. 70 F 10 (reprint 1986).
  3. Xenophon, Hellenika 3, 1, 17 f .; Diodorus 14, 38, 3.
  4. Demosthenes 23:154.
  5. Strabon 13, 596 (13, 1, 33).
  6. ^ Louis Robert : Études de numismatique grecque. Collège de France, Paris 1951, pp. 16-31; see. also Ludwig Bürchner : Antiocheia 22a . In: Paulys Realencyclopadie der classischen Antiquity Science (RE). Supplement volume I, Stuttgart 1903, column 91.