Kelleromyxa fimicola

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Kelleromyxa fimicola
without rank: Amoebozoa
without rank: Myxogastria
Order : Liceida
Family : Liceidae
Genre : Kelleromyxa
Type : Kelleromyxa fimicola
Scientific name of the  genus
(Dearness & Bisby) Uno Eliasson
Scientific name of the  species
Kelleromyxa fimicola
( Dearness & Bisby ) Uno Eliasson

Kelleromyxa fimicola is a slime mold species from the order of the Liceida and the only representative of its genus . The species, which is distributed worldwide on the dung of herbivores, wasrelocatedfrom the genus Licea in 1991 due to morphological characteristics.


The sporangia are scattered, gregarious or densely packed in groups of twenty to thirty individual fruiting bodies. These are black and spindle-shaped, occasionally slightly compressed on the sides or shrunk due to drought before ripening. They stand upright and reach a height of 0.1 to 0.5 millimeters and a width of 0.05 to 0.25 millimeters, are narrowed at the base, but above this from occasionally egg-shaped to almost round shape.

The peridium has two layers, the two layers are close together, the outer skin is shiny, smooth and thick, the inner layer is membranous, slightly roughened and warty. When it is mature, it opens in an irregular manner to release the spores , occasionally laterally, but there are no “predetermined breaking points”. A scalp is present, its occasionally branched and anastomising (forming a network through cross connections), but mostly unbranched, simple threads are up to 100 micrometers long, 1 micrometers thick and grown together with the inner wall of the peridium.

The spores are black as a spore mass, dark brown in transmitted light , and there are no smoky colors. They are round in shape, sometimes overgrown, on up to two thirds of the surface they have a relief of up to 3 micrometers long, thin and blunt projections, the rest remains flat except for two or three cup-shaped depressions with a diameter of 13 to 17 Micrometer. The spore wall is uniformly up to micrometers thick.

The plasmodium is a phaneroplasmodium up to 4 millimeters in diameter, pale yellow in color and fan-like in shape with a reticulate nerve and pulse-like protoplasmic flow.


So far, Kelleromyxa fimicola could only be detected in culture using samples; they colonize the dung of herbivores such as horses, cows, pronghorns , dikdiks or yaks , but also rabbits. The species has been found in North America, Africa and Asia.

Systematics and research history

The species was first described in 1929 by John Dearness and Guy Richard Bisby on the basis of finds from Manitoba , Canada as Licea fimicola , in 1991 Uno Eliasson placed it in its own genus Kelleromyxa . The existing threads in the scalp, which are atypical for a member of the order Liceida, are considered a diagnostic feature.


  1. a b c d e f Uno H. Eliasson, Harold W. Keller, Jean D. Schoknecht: Kelleromyxa, a new generic name for Licea fimicola (Myxomycetes) In: Mycological Research, 95:10, 1991, pp. 1201-1207 , doi : 10.1016 / S0953-7562 (09) 80011-7