Kenya Electricity Generating Company

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Kenya Electricity Generating Company Ltd.

legal form Limited
ISIN KE0000000547
founding October 2, 1998
Seat Nairobi , KenyaKenyaKenya 
management Albert Mugo ( CEO )
Number of employees 2,407
sales 26586000000 KSh (200 million euros)
Branch Power generation
As of June 30, 2015

The Kenya Electricity Generating Company Ltd. ( KenGen for short ) based in Nairobi is the largest Kenyan power generation company . KenGen covers around 80 percent of Kenya's electricity needs from the energy sources hydropower , geothermal energy , oil and wind . The electricity generated is sold exclusively to the Kenya Power and Lighting Company (KPLC), which is responsible for sales to end customers. The company is listed on the Nairobi Stock Exchange (NSE) under the symbol KEGN .


The company's history began with the establishment of the Kenya Power Company (KPC) in 1954 with the aim of building a high-voltage line between Nairobi and Tororo in Uganda and creating the conditions for generating electricity from geothermal energy and other energy sources. From the very beginning, KPC was headed by the Kenya Power and Lighting Company (KPLC), which exclusively distributes the electricity generated to end customers.

As part of reforms in the Kenyan energy sector, the leadership of the KPC was formally hived off from the KPLC in January 1997, which resulted in a strict separation of electricity generation and distribution. On October 2, 1998, the name was changed to Kenya Electricity Generating Company Ltd. under a new corporate identity . KenGen also assumed responsibility for all publicly owned power plants. On May 28, 2013, the electricity supplier switched off the grid after a deflagration in the line network, paralyzing the entire country in terms of electricity.

Corporate structure

On March 20, 2006, the Kenyan government decided to privatize 30% of KenGen . The IPO was 236% oversubscribed . Since May 17, 2006 KenGen has been listed on the Nairobi Stock Exchange (NSE) under the symbol KEGN . On 1 August 2007 KenGen was in the NSE-20 - share index added.


The Kenya Electricity Generating Company's board of directors consists of 20 members. Chairman is Joshua Choge, Managing Director and CEO is Albert Mugo.

Power generation

With a production of 3619 GWh from 22 power plants, KenGen covered around 80% of Kenya's electricity needs in 2010. Long periods of drought and extensive deforestation reduced the availability of the hydropower plants to around 33%. KenGen intends to expand the installed capacity to 2000 MW e by 2020 , with the main focus being on the expansion of geothermal and wind power. KenGen plans to invest 74 billion Kenya shillings, around 579 million euros, in the expansion.

Energy source

Electricity generation 2009/2010
Energy source Installed capacity
MW e
water 0761.28 2161 33.15
oil 0073.50 0325 59.49
Geothermal energy 0150.00 0951 91.27
gas 0060.00 0146 28.33
diesel 0006.33 0020th 44.20
wind 0005.45 0016 41.25
total 1056.56 3619
regenerative part 916.73
(approx. 87%)
(approx. 86%)

Power plants

As of October 2011, the Kenya Electricity Generating Company operates the following power plants in Kenya:

Kenya Electricity Generating Company's power plants
Surname Type
Installed capacity
MW e
Garissa D. 003.4
Guitaru S. 225.0 1999
Gogo S. 002.0 1957
Kamburu S. 094.2 1974
Kiambere S. 168.0 1988
Child aruma S. 044.0 1968
Kipevu Diesel D. 073.5
Kipevu gas turbine E. 060.0
Lamu D. 002.9
Masinga S. 040.0 1981
Mesco S. 000.4 1930
Ndula S. 002.0 1924
Ngong W. 005.5 1993
Olkaria I G 045.0 1981
Olkaria II G 105.0 2000
Sagana S. 001.5 1956
Sondu-Miriu L. 060.0 2007
Sosiani S. 000.4 1955
Tana S. 014.4 1954
Turkwel S. 106.0 1991
Wanjii S. 007.4 1954
total 1056.6
regenerative part 916.8 (approx. 87%)

Individual evidence

  1. a b History. KenGen, accessed October 24, 2011 .
  2. a b Board of Directors. KenGen, accessed June 8, 2016 .
  3. a b 2015 Annual Report & Financial Statements
  4. a b Values. KenGen, accessed July 18, 2011 .
  5. Reuters: Kenya hit by national blackout after power grid failure
  6. Investor Intro. KenGen, accessed October 24, 2011 .
  7. a b 2010 Annual Report & Financial Statements. (PDF file, 9.2MB) (No longer available online.) KenGen, archived from the original on September 6, 2014 ; accessed on July 18, 2011 (English).