
from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Infobox radio tower icon
Station logo
TV station ( public service )
Program type Full program
reception DVB-T2 , cable , satellite
Image resolution ( Entry missing )
Start of transmission October 23, 1995
language Kazakh , Russian
Seat Nur-Sultan , KazakhstanKazakhstanKazakhstan 
owner AO Agentstwo Chabar
Market share 6.2% (2016)
List of TV channels

Khabar ( Kazakh and Russian Хабар ) is a state television broadcaster and news agency in Kazakhstan . The station was founded in 1995 as the successor to the National Television News Agency (NTNA) and today has more than 600 employees. He broadcasts in Kazakh and Russian .

Khabar's priorities are in the news . The station has 14 offices in Kazakhstan and five more in the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States . Khabar is also the only TV station that broadcasts live sports events to Kazakhstan.

Kazakhstan's first satellite channel, Kazakh TV - originally known as CaspioNet - is operated by Khabar. It can be received in Europe , Central Asia , the Middle East and North Africa . The company also owns the television station El-Arna and Radio Khabar.

Khabar is a member of the Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union (ABU), the Organization of Asia-Pacific News Agencies (OANA) and the Asia-Pacific Institute for Broadcasting Development (AIBD). Furthermore, Khabar is an associate member of the European Broadcasting Union (EBU).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Presentation KTK January June 2017 , accessed August 19, 2018 (Russian).