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Kharoti is a Pashtun tribe in Afghanistan . The tribe has around 2.7 million members (according to the Ministry of Tribal Affairs in Kabul ) and is thus the largest tribe in Afghanistan. The Kharoti tribe is derived from the Ghilzai tribe .

Spread and personalities

The Kharoti area extends over: Kabul, Paktia , Paktika , Zabul , Kunduz , Laghman , Nangarhar , Bagram , Wardag, Lugar , Ghazni , Koh-e Sulaiman and Barmal. But also in the areas around Oragoon and on the other side of the border in the tribal areas of Pakistan to the metropolis of Karachi .

Most of the Kharoti tribesmen have shops in countries such as the USA , Saudi Arabia , Pakistan (Karachi), as well as in countries in the United Arab Emirates and Europe . Mostly these are companies in the textile sector.

The Kharoti tribe was one of the first to have its own committee, which in Pakistan is led by Haji Juma Gul Khan Kharoti. This provides support to Afghans in need and also founded the Kharoti Wellfare Association which is led by Haji Ameer Gul Kharoti.

The most prominent figures of the Kharoti tribe are: Gulbuddin Hekmatyār (Chairman of Hezb-e Islami and Hafiz-al-Amin, former Prime Minister), Ustad Sayaf (Itehad-e Islami), Loy Khan Sher Khan (Sher Khan Bandar), Ghulam Sarwar Nasher and Mir Ahmad Khan Qader (deceased).

Since April 2, 2011, Naqibullah Shorish has been elected nationwide tribal leader by the regional elders of all districts. Naqibullah Shorish was previously responsible as the Kharoti tribal leader for the Khaki Jabbar district in the province of Kabul .

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