Kings and Desperate Men

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Original title Kings and Desperate Men
Country of production Canada
original language English
Publishing year 1981
length 118 minutes
Director Alexis Kanner
script Edmund Ward
Alexis Kanner
production Alexis Kanner
music Pierre F. Brault
Michel Robidoux
camera Alexis Kanner
Paul van der Linden
cut Alexis Kanner

Kings and Desperate Men is a Canadian feature film directed by Alexis Kanner from the year 1981 . Kanner also worked as a script director, cameraman and film editor.


John Kingsley, a former actor who has a controversial talk radio show in Montreal , is taken hostage with his family by two terrorists the day before Christmas in his high-rise studio. They plant explosive charges and force Kingsley to go live in the hopes of freeing one of their imprisoned colleagues. It turns out that Miller, the terrorists' spokesman, is a former history professor. As the police surround the building, Kingsley and Miller engage in a nervous duel that is broadcast on the radio. Miller calls for a new trial in which the audience is the jury.


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