Träkumla Church

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Aerial view of the Church of Träkumla
Träkumla Church

The Church of Träkumla is a country church on the Swedish island of Gotland . It belongs to the parish (Swedish församling ) Stenkumla.


The church is in the interior of Gotland on the road 142 from Visby to Hemse , 9 km south of Visby, 37 km north of Hemse, 10.5 km north-west of Roma and 20 km north of Klintehamn .

Church building

The medieval stone church consists of a rectangular nave and a narrower, just closed choir . The thick walls in the western part of the nave were intended to support a tower that was never completed. The current wooden superstructure dates from 1917 when the church was restored after it had been vacant since 1868. The choir was built in the middle of the 13th century. The nave with the tower walls was added in the second half of the 13th century. According to a Latin inscription in the triumphal arch, the church was consecrated on September 1, 1287. The strong, high spire is characteristic of the exterior. It is octagonal and has a bell plane with sound holes under a canopy. On the southern side there is the pointed arched perspective portal of the nave and the round arched portal of the choir with a medieval door covered with wrought iron. It is similar to the churches of Fole and Othem . The arched north portal, which is now bricked up, has a simpler shape. The window openings are small and only available in small numbers. Choir, nave and tower room are each covered from the inside by a tent vault. A narrow triumphal arch separates the choir from the nave. The sacristy was built into the southwest corner of the tower in the 18th century. The frescoes on the east wall of the nave were made by the Passion Master in the middle of the 15th century. The paintings show scenes from the Olofs saga . Remnants of medieval stained glass can be found in the choir window. There are two preserved side altars in the nave. The church was restored in 1951 according to plans by the architect Lennart Tham .


  • The font from the 12th century was carved in sandstone by Byzantios . The octagonal bowl has relief images. The font was painted in the 1780s.
  • The triumphal cross is from the late Middle Ages.
  • The pulpit was made around 1600.
  • The altar dates from the 14th century and shows the coronation of Mary.


  • Erland Lagerlöf, Gunnar Svahnström: The churches of Gotland. Stein, Kiel 1991, ISBN 3-89392-049-8 , pp. 249-252.
  • Våra kyrkor. Klarkullens förlag, Västervik 1990, ISBN 91-971561-0-8 , p. 683 (Swedish).

Web links

Commons : Church of Träkumla  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 57 ° 33 ′ 37.3 ″  N , 18 ° 18 ′ 46.6 ″  E