Fole Church

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Fole Church
Fole Church
Church hall

The Church of Fole ( Swedish Fole kyrka ) is a country church on the Swedish island of Gotland . It belongs to the parish (swed. Församling ) Väskinde in the diocese of Visby .


The church is in the interior of Gotland, 15 km northeast of Visby , 17 km north of Roma and 17 km southwest of Slite . It is 59 meters above sea level, making it one of the highest churches on Gotland.

Church building

The church was built from limestone that was left unplastered by the tower. It consists of a recently completed choir in the east with a sacristy in the north, a taller and wider nave and a tower in the west, the walls of which do not extend over the roof ridge of the nave. There are entrances in the choir and nave from the south and in the tower from the west. The oldest part of the church is the tower, which was built around 1200 as an older brick church with an apse , of which only the foundations (foundation walls) have been preserved. In the middle of the 13th century the apse was replaced by the present choir and the eastern part of the nave. You can see an unusually clear joint in the wall of the nave at the starting point of the extension. The completion of the nave to the west can perhaps be associated with the recorded inauguration year 1280. The church has architecturally rich and well balanced portals. A Romanesque portal in the tower and a Gothic one with a triangular gable crown in the south facade. The windows in the south and the threefold group of windows in the east wall of the choir are still original, as are the sound holes in the tower decorated with columns. The interior of the church is of austere architecture with carved stone in all the arches and surrounds. The whole church is vaulted. The two-aisled nave has six vaults supported by two columns. Another triumphal arch opens to the bright choir. The tower room (bell chamber) opens to the nave with connected arches, which are supported by a narrow column. In the southwest corner of the tower chamber, an original spiral staircase begins in the wall up to the upper floors. In the north wall of the choir there is an older portal, probably the oldest in the church, which today serves as a connection between the choir and the sacristy. The western part of the nave is occupied by a gallery from 1870, which is one of the few preserved neo-Gothic galleries on Gotland.


  • In the triumphal arch hangs a triumphal cross from the middle of the 13th century. The cross was painted over in the 19th century.
  • The baptismal font was carved from limestone around 1200. He has pictures as pronounced reliefs, which were painted over with strong colors around 1707.
  • The altar was painted by Johan Bartsch in 1654.
  • The pulpit with canopy was made by Johan Hernell in 1751 .
  • The pews date from the first part of the 18th century.


  • To the north is the large parish garden and to the east is the school.
  • One of Gotland's many wind power stations rises to the east of the church.
  • In the eastern part of the churchyard there is a probably partly medieval portal.


  • Våra kyrkor. Klarkullens förlag, Västervik 1990, ISBN 91-971561-0-8 , p. 673 (Swedish).
  • Erland Lagerlöf, Gunnar Svahnström: The churches of Gotland. Stein, Kiel 1991, ISBN 3-89392-049-8 , pp. 110-113.

Web links

Commons : Church of Fole  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 57 ° 39 ′ 2.1 ″  N , 18 ° 32 ′ 41.4 ″  E