St. Servatius (Duderstadt)

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St. Servatius
View of St. Servatius

View of St. Servatius

place Duderstadt
Architectural style Gothic
Construction year approx. 14th to 16th century
height 64 m

The Protestant Church of St. Servatius is, in addition to the Catholic basilica and provost church of St. Cyriakus, a main church in Duderstadt and the Untereichsfeld . It forms the western, lower end point of Marktstrasse, which widens here like a square, and is therefore also called "Lower Church" in the city.

Aerial view


St. Servatius Church, interior

St. Servatius is an east - facing three-aisled Gothic hall church with six bays . The choir with a 5/8 end has a ribbed vault , the nave a net-like star vault . This is supported with short services on ornate consoles on slim octagonal pillars. The tower is square in plan and has a helmet with a slim central cone and four corner points.

Building history

Around the year 1000 was in the area of St. Servatius a Saxon royal court of the royal palace Quedlinburg was assigned and its chapel, like the collegiate church of Quedlinburg , which Servatius - patronage wore.

The oldest part of today's church is the choir, which is dated around 1370. The nave was added to this in the second half of the 15th century. The tower dates from the first half of the 16th century and was extended and redesigned after a fire. The design for this was created by the Hanoverian Karl Siebrecht in 1928. The church is built from sandstone blocks that were mostly quarried in quarries on the Sonnenstein .



The organ of the church, which was built by the organ builder Jürgen Ahrend from Leer-Loga in 1977, achieved international fame . It has 28 registers , which are divided into main work, upper work, breast work and pedal , and at the time of its completion it was the largest organ that Ahrend had built in the Lower Saxony region.

The console of the Ahrend organ

In addition to being used in church services, the instrument is also used at concerts, organ music seminars and training events. In 1991, Ahrend made a chest organ with four registers for various accompanying purposes , which can also be found in the church.

The large organ has the following disposition :

I upper structure C – f 3
Dumped 8th'
Viol 8th'
Praestant 4 ′
Reed flute 4 ′
Nasat 3 ′
octave 2 ′
Sharp IV
Dulcian 8th'
II Hauptwerk C – f 3
Quintadena 16 ′
Praestant 8th'
Hollow flute 8th'
octave 4 ′
octave 2 ′
Sesquialtera II
Mixture IV-VI
Trumpet 8th'
III Breastwork C – f 3
Wooden dacked 8th'
Wooden principal 4 ′
recorder 2 ′
Fifth 1 13
third 45
shelf 8th'
Pedal C – f 1
Sub-bass 16 ′
octave 8th'
octave 4 ′
Mixture IV
trombone 16 ′
Trumpet 8th'


In 1957 the Servatius Church received its beautiful ringing from Friedrich Wilhelm Schilling from Heidelberg, which is made to ring with a differentiated ringing order. The bells are coordinated with the peal of the Catholic Basilica of St. Cyriakus and form a common city peal. On the day before the Sunday and feast days, both churches ring the bell together at 2 p.m., in different combinations depending on the church season.

Casting year

(16th note)
1 " Lord God, we praise you , Lord God, we thank you" 1957 FW Schilling 1367 1440 d 1 -8 Prayer and Our Father bell
2 "My soul lifts up the Lord" 1140 842 f 1 -6 Evening bell
3 "Graciously grant us peace" 1005 572 g 1 -8 Midday bell
4th "Fill us early with your grace" 846 392 b 1 -6 Morning bell
5 without inscription 777 302 c 2 -6 until 1975 clock bell, since then on the peal
6th without inscription 1975 Bell foundry Heidelberg - - f 2 -6 Clock bell


  • Hans-Reinhard Fricke, Hermann Tallau (Red.): St. Servatius - a Duderstadt monument. Ed .: Association for the Preservation of Townscape and Monument Preservation in the City of Duderstadt V., Duderstadt 2008, 36 pages, 66 mostly colored images

Web links

Commons : St. Servatius-Kirche (Duderstadt)  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Peter Ferdinand Lufen: Göttingen district, part 2. Altkreis Duderstadt with the communities Friedland and Gleichen and the joint communities Gieboldehausen and Radolfshausen . In: Christiane Segers-Glocke (Hrsg.): Monument topography Federal Republic of Germany . Architectural monuments in Lower Saxony . tape 5.3 . CW Niemeyer, Hameln 1997, ISBN 3-8271-8257-3 , p. 135-138 .
  2. St. Servatius Duderstadt: The Organ ( Memento of the original from March 16, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , as seen September 15, 2011. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  3. ^ A. Philipp, bell expert of the Hanover regional church
  4. ^ A. Philipp, bell expert of the Hanover regional church

Coordinates: 51 ° 30 '44 "  N , 10 ° 15' 26.7"  E