
The Eichsfeld [regional dialect: [ ˈaɪksfɛlt ] ] was a historical territory and is a present-day cultural landscape in southeastern Lower Saxony , northwestern Thuringia and northeastern Hesse between Harz and Werra . The largest towns in Eichsfeld are the cities of Dingelstädt , Duderstadt , Heiligenstadt and Leinefelde-Worbis, as well as the spots Gieboldehausen .
The Thuringian district of Eichsfeld derives its name from Eichsfeld . However, on the one hand, this by far does not include all places in the historic Eichsfeld, and on the other hand, places that did not originally belong to the Eichsfeld (see list of places in the Eichsfeld ).
The Eichsfeld received its special character from the centuries-old island location as part of the Principality of Mainz , which is still indicated by the Mainz wheel in the coat of arms . After the Reformation , almost all of the residents had become Protestants; however, the Counter Reformation forced them back to the Catholic denomination from 1575 onwards. Even in the GDR era, church life in the Obereichsfeld remained relatively intact. It was the largest region in the GDR with a predominantly Catholic population. Even today, the number of regular churchgoers is above the national average. As patron of the Eichsfeld the holy applies Martin .
The Eichsfeld song composed by Hermann Iseke is the unofficial hymn of Eichsfeld .
The Eichsfeld covers an area of about 1540 km² and lies between the valleys of the Rhume in the northeast and the Werra in the southwest, the Thuringian Basin in the southeast and the Göttingen-Northeimer Wald in the northwest. The Elbe-Weser watershed runs from the resin coming right through the Eichsfeld. Here are the headwaters of the Unstrut , Wipper and Helme , which belong to the catchment area of the Elbe , and the Rhume, Nisse, Hahle , Leine and Frieda , which flow into the Werra and Weser .
Natural structure and landscape
The Eichsfeld lies in the border area of three large natural areas:
- the north-western edge plate of the Thuringian Basin
- the Lower Werrabergland of the East Hessian mountainous region
- the Lower Eichsfeld and the Eichsfeld Basin of the Weser-Leine-Bergland
In the south, the Eichsfeld consists of several 450 m high shell limestone slabs ( Dün , Oberes Eichsfeld , Gobert ) that slope down to the Leine and Werra valleys with a steep and well-structured step. The highest point in the Eichsfeld is the Goburg on the Gobert ridge with a height of 543.4 m. To the west there are mountainous landscapes that are counted as part of the Werrabergland ( Höheberg , Rosoppe-Frieda-Hügelland ).
To the north is the red sandstone landscape of the middle Eichsfeld, to which the upper Leinetal with the Zehnsberg and the Eichsfelder Kessel are included. Here, too, there are larger mountain ranges, such as the Ohm Mountains with the 533.4 m high Birkenberg and to the east the Bleicheröder Mountains which, together with the Dün, form the Eichsfeld gate at the Wipper near Sollstedt .
In the far north lies the fertile basin landscape of the Goldenen Mark , it is bordered by the surrounding hilly landscapes of the Hellberge and Rotenberg in the east and the Göttinger Bergland in the west.
Limits in the Eichsfeld
In general, the landscape is divided into two parts, the rougher and higher located upper area and in the north the lower located lower area . While the boundaries of the historical calibration field are relatively clearly defined, there is no uniform definition of the course of this boundary line:
- it is assumed to be a simplified border along the river valleys of the Leine and Wipper .
- from a geographical and geological point of view, it runs on the northern slope of Dün and Oberem Eichsfeld .
- along the language border between the Central German and the Low German dialect (shown on the map Das Eichsfeld )
- from a political-administrative point of view on the state border between Thuringia and Lower Saxony . The current state border of Thuringia also formed the inner-German border .
Due to the eventful history, the Eichsfeld today extends over three federal states and five districts.
Places in the Eichsfeld
The largest part of the Obereichsfeld with the cities Heiligenstadt , Leinefelde-Worbis and Dingelstädt belongs to the state of Thuringia , district of Eichsfeld . In addition, there are 13 towns in Upper Bavaria in the Unstrut-Hainich district , two more in the Hessian Werra-Meißner district (see Wanfried Agreement ). 18 places in the sub-area are in Thuringia (Eichsfeld district), the rest of the sub-area with the Duderstadt center belongs to the state of Lower Saxony , all in the Göttingen district with the exception of Lindau , which is part of the Northeim district. These relationships are - even if the border lines up to 1945 are shown there - in the map Das Eichsfeld at the top right. The fine dashed line north of Worbis represents the boundary between the upper and lower fields.
For the sake of simplicity, the entire Thuringian part of the Eichsfeld is now usually referred to as the Upper Field and the Lower Saxony part, which corresponds to the former Duderstadt district, is the Lower Field .
All places belonging to the historical Eichsfeld are listed in the list of places in Eichsfeld .
Heiligenstadt is often called the "traditional capital of the Eichsfeld". In the lower area, however, Duderstadt is regarded as the capital. These views can be traced back to the former principalities.
The Low German - Central German language border runs from Rohrberg over the Zehnsberg and the northern edge of the Ohmgebirge between Untereichsfeld and Obereichsfeld. A special dialect, Eichsfeldische, is spoken in the Obereichsfeld, and Thuringian can be heard there, especially with hard consonants. However, the dialect is nowhere near as “washed out” and has a Thuringian touch as is the case in the neighboring Thuringian districts. However, today only sporadically - - In Untereichsfeld they spoke Low German ; today one speaks predominantly standard German.
Even when dealing with the term Eichsfeld itself there are some peculiarities - also in the 'High German' sub-area field: the word Eichsfeld is pronounced [ ˈaɪksfɛlt ] (“Eixfeld” or “Eiksfeld”). Instead of “in the Eichsfeld” it also says “on the Eichsfeld”. The term “vom Eichsfeld” is also used instead of “from the Eichsfeld”.
Origin of name
Several assumptions compete for the interpretation of the origin of the name "Eichsfeld":
- "Eichsfeld" is derived from the oak trees that used to be common here .
- "Eichsfeld" is derived from the field of an Aiko or Eico .
- "Eichsfeld" is derived from an old name for the upper reaches of the Unstrut.
- Ernst Moritz Arndt also assumed a derivation of the name from the oak, both for the Eifel and for the Eichsfeld: I think it is very likely that the name is taken from the oak, which was and still is the main tree in the Eifel . I think the name Eifel is nothing more than a bitten off and mutilated Eichsfeld, so that it would also bear the community of names with the Thuringian Eichsfeld, as it unfortunately now also has the community of forest desolation and some desolate places with it .
First mentioned until 1900
The Eichsfeld was first mentioned on January 28, 897. Arnulf von Kärnten confirmed in a document in Regensburg the exchange of goods in pago Eichesfelden between the abbot Huki von Fulda and the count Konrad. It originally referred to the area between Heiligenstadt and Mühlhausen and was a Thuringian district. In 1022 there was first news about Mainz possessions on the Eichsfeld (around Heiligenstadt and the Rusteberg ). In 1124 the founding of the monastery began on the Eichsfeld. Between 1022 and 1573 the Electorate of Mainz acquired further possessions and developed administrative structures. In 1294 Kurmainz also acquired the original Eichsfeld from the Lords of Gleichen . Only later was the name of the originally Thuringian area taken over for the entire Mainz property east of the Werra.
The Untreichsfeld, northwest of Duderstadt, was initially a Liudolfingian property and an Ottonian property , came to the Quedlinburg monastery in the 10th century and fell to the Duchy of Braunschweig-Lüneburg in 1247 , whose line of Grubenhagen pledged it to the Electorate of Mainz in 1342/58 and 1434.
In 1524 the Peasants' War broke out in the free imperial city of Mühlhausen . Heinrich Pfeiffer , colleague of Thomas Müntzer , moved against the Eichsfeld and plundered and burned monasteries and aristocratic courts. Many residents turned to Protestantism. Due to the religious peace in Augsburg , the Jesuits began the Counter Reformation in 1575 at the behest of the Prince-Bishop of Mainz . According to the rule Cuius regio, eius religio , the Eichsfeld was recatholized with the exception of a few villages over the course of 50 years. The rule of Bodenstein of the Lords of Wintzingerode remained evangelical , who with the help of the Dukes of Braunschweig-Grubenhagen were able to enforce the free Lutheran religious practice for themselves and their subjects.
In 1622 the Thirty Years' War began for Eichsfeld . The Swedes, the Imperialists, the Danes, the Hessians and the Saxons stocked up, plundered and pillaged.
In 1650, the Elector of Mainz took possession of his land again, more than a third of which had been devastated and the population of which had declined by a quarter.
King Friedrich Wilhelm III. took possession of the entire Eichsfeld for Prussia in 1802 , and the media principality of Eichsfeld was created. From 1807 to 1813 the Eichsfeld was part of the Kingdom of Westphalia , after its dissolution it came back to Prussia.
At the Congress of Vienna in 1815 the Eichsfeld was divided. The districts of Heiligenstadt and Worbis , which thus belonged to the Prussian province of Saxony , emerged from the upper area and the southern part of the lower area . The larger northern part of the lower field came to the Kingdom of Hanover , which was annexed by Prussia in 1866 and from then on belonged to the Province of Hanover . Eichsfeld belonged to the same state again, the Kingdom of Prussia, but was separated by the provincial border between Hanover and Saxony. In 1885 the Duderstadt district was formed.
1900 until today
For the history of the Eichsfeld in the time of National Socialism see:
At the end of the Second World War, Eichsfeld was occupied by units of the 3rd US Army with absolute air sovereignty and strong armored forces between April 3 and 10, 1945. This was often preceded by bomber attacks and artillery fire. On April 7th, a counter-offensive by the Wehrmacht took place near and in Struth , which collapsed on the same day with heavy losses. The graves of 175 German soldiers can be found in 50 cemeteries in Eichsfeld, and 125 others who died in Eichsfeld at the Nieder-Weisel military cemetery in Hesse . In 54 Eichsfeldorten, in connection with the occupation, there was sometimes considerable damage to buildings, including churches. 65 civilians, mostly women and children, died in 22 locations. Before that, 17 heavy US bombers, 14 US fighter planes and 22 German fighter planes crashed over the Eichsfeld from the beginning of 1944.
The district of Duderstadt had belonged to the British occupation zone since 1945 and became part of the state of Lower Saxony from 1946 . The districts of Heiligenstadt and Worbis were part of the Soviet occupation zone from 1945 and part of the GDR from 1949 . With the Wanfried Agreement of September 17, 1945, two Eichsfeld villages were incorporated into the American zone of occupation and five Hessian villages were added to the Soviet zone to compensate.
In the years that followed, the Iron Curtain was built on the border that was once drawn through the Eichsfeld at the Congress of Vienna .
As a Catholic enclave in Protestant Thuringia, the Eichsfeld district became a stronghold of the CDU Thuringia after the Second World War . Already in the election campaign for the local elections in the Soviet Zone in 1946 , the SED was facing a severe defeat , as the CDU election events were overcrowded and those of the SED were hardly attended. The attempts by the SMAD to intimidate the population (for example, District Administrator Aloys Schaefer was arrested immediately before the election ) did not bring about any change. In the local elections, the CDU received 34 seats in the district council, the SED with 14 and the VdgB with 2 were far behind. With the votes of the CDU, the CDU member of the state parliament, Hugo Dornhofer, was elected chairman of the district assembly and Adolf Braedel (CDU) as district administrator. In the state elections on October 20, the CDU also achieved the best result in Thuringia with 68% in the district. In the aftermath of the election, the delivery obligations of the farmers of the Eichsfeld were increased as a punitive action. As part of the alignment of the Eastern CDU, Dornhofer was forced to resign on February 19, 1948. Braedel had to flee to the west in April 1950. The SED's Eichsfeld Plan regulated the industrialization of the Eichsfeld from 1958.
In east-west direction, the Autobahn 38 (Göttingen– Leipzig ) runs through the Eichsfeld. Two federal highways cross the Eichsfeld in an east-west direction: the B 27 (Göttingen - Braunlage ) and the B 446 ( Nörten-Hardenberg - Duderstadt) in the Untereichsfeld, and earlier the B 80 (replaced by the A 38; today L 3080 ) in the upper area. As a north-south connection, the B 247 (Northeim-Duderstadt-Leinefelde-Worbis-Dingelstädt-Mühlhausen) crosses almost the entire Eichsfeld.
Rail transport
The nationally important Halle – Hann railway line runs between Heiligenstadt and Leinefelde . Münden and the Göttingen - Erfurt line ( Gotha – Leinefelde railway ). The Halle – Hann. Münden– Kassel was expanded to two tracks and electrified until 1994 as a German Unity transport project .
The former Leinefelde – Wulften railway line has not been in operation since the mid-1990s (Untereichsfeld) or 2001 (Obereichsfeld). Until 1931 there was also a narrow-gauge railway between Göttingen and Duderstadt, the Gartetalbahn . In addition, the Eichsfeld is affected in the north by the Herzberg – Bleicherode railway line .
The airfield Eichsfeld is the only airfield in the entire Eichsfeld. In 2005 it was equipped with a 750 m long asphalt runway, which now enables larger private aircraft to land.
Castles and Palaces
Altenstein castle , Burg Bodenstein , castle Gleichenstein , Greifenstein Castle , Burg Hanstein , Castle Harburg , Hasenburg (Eichsfeld) (also spelled Asenburg), castle ruins Rusteberg , Scharfenstein Castle , Castle Ruins Birkenstein at Birkungen , Castle Bishop Stone (in Lengenfeld unterm Stein ), Castle Gieboldehausen Castle Großbodungen , Wasserburg Deuna , Mushaus in Lindau , Castle Martin field , Castle Buhla
Architectural monuments
- Duderstadt : Town hall , Westerturm , Propsteikirche St. Cyriakus (Roman Catholic), St. Servatius (Evangelical Lutheran), medieval city wall
- Heiligenstadt : Klausmühle, Old Town Hall, Jesuit College, Kurmainzer Castle, Mainz House
- Lengenfeld unterm Stein: Kanonenbahnviadukt
- Augustinian monastery in Germershausen
- Former Franciscan monastery in Worbis
- Former Cistercian monastery Reifenstein
- Franciscan monastery Kerbscher Berg ( Dingelstädt )
- Former Zella monastery
- Former monastery Gerode (near Weißenborn-Lüderode )
- Franciscan monastery in Hülfensberg
- Former Cistercian monastery in Beuren
- Former Cistercian convent Anrode (near Bickenriede )
- Former Cistercian convent Teistungenburg
- Convent of the Sisters of St. Maria Magdalena Postel in Heiligenstadt (mountain monastery)
- Redemptorist Monastery of St. Clement Heiligenstadt
- Ursuline monastery in Duderstadt
Pilgrimage sites
- Etzelsbach , horse pilgrimage to the Visitation of the Virgin Mary
- Breitenholz , Mariä Visitation
- Germershausen , Maria in the meadow
- Höherberg (near Wollbrandshausen ), 14 emergency helpers
- Hülfensberg , place where Boniface allegedly felled the Donar oak (erroneous assumption; the actual place of the event was the North Hessian Geismar near Fritzlar )
- Kerbscher Berg (near Dingelstädt), pilgrimage for women
- Klüschen Hagis , male pilgrimage on Ascension Day
- Worbis , St. Anthony pilgrimage
- Werdigeshäuser church near Kefferhausen , pilgrimage on Trinity Sunday
Eichsfeld-Hainich-Werratal Nature Park , Seeburger See , Thiershäuser Teiche , Rhumequelle , Heinz Sielmann Foundation (Gut Herbigshagen), Bear Park Worbis , Mining Museum Bischofferode, Eichsfelder Krippenweg (the most beautiful church cribs), Unstrutquelle (Kefferhausen), Mühlhäuser Landgraben (border to the former areas of the Free and Hanseatic City of Mühlhausen ) with some still preserved waiting areas, Grenzlandmuseum Eichsfeld ( Teistungen ), ruins in Wildungen near Brehme , 750 year old yew tree in Tastungen (oldest yew tree in Thuringia), Sonnenstein , Eichsfelder Heimatmuseum ( Heiligenstadt ), literature museum “Theodor Storm "( Heiligenstadt )
Grenzlandmuseum Eichsfeld , north of Teistungen
Werraschleife at Lindewerra
Culture and events
Eichsfeld home days
Eichsfeld Home Days of the Federation of Eichsfeld Associations have been taking place abroad on a regular basis since 1913, there were major interruptions during the two world wars. These always took place in changing locations in Eichsfeld; during the division of Germany , they took place predominantly in Lower Saxony's Lower Saxony area , and more rarely outside of it (for example in Wanfried in 1984 ). In contrast, such events were undesirable in the GDR . At the Eichsfeld Days there were various events such as the delegates' meeting of the Eichsfeld associations, a pageant and a festive service. Today, the Eichsfeld Days , which take place roughly every two years, are organized by the HVE Eichsfeld Touristik and the changing venues.
Eichsfeld Organ Autumn
Since 2003 organ concerts have been held regularly in autumn in changing churches in Eichsfeld. The initiator of this concert series is the current cantor for St. Marien in Heiligenstadt and the Eichsfeld region, KMD Michael Taxer. National as well as international soloists, ensembles and choirs appear.
Neo-Nazi "Eichsfeldtag"
The neo-Nazi right - wing rock festival "Eichsfeldtag" has been taking place in the region every year since 2011. It was founded by the convicted neo-Nazi and NPD politician Thorsten Heise .
The traditional Eichsfeld cuisine used to be characterized by the geological and climatic conditions, which are difficult for agriculture, as well as the low level of mechanization of work, particularly in parts of the upper area. The dishes were simple and hearty. Eichsfeld specialties include slaughter products made according to special recipes, such as Feldgieker , Calf Bladder , Stracke , Garwurst and Weckewurst. On festive occasions large sheets were sour cream cake , various pies and cinnamon rolls baked.
Sons and daughters of Eichsfeld
- Albrecht Kunne (* around 1435 in Duderstadt , † unknown), apprentice Johannes Gutenberg and incunabula printer in Memmingen (1480–1520)
- Tilman Riemenschneider (* around 1460 in Heiligenstadt , † July 7, 1531 in Würzburg), carver
- Karl Christoph von Linsing (born June 13, 1703 in Berkefeld, today Wüstung , † May 6, 1787 in Nienburg / Weser ), lieutenant general in the service of the Electorate of Hanover
- Josepha von Siebold (born December 14, 1771 in Geismar ; † February 28, 1849 in Darmstadt ), first German gynecologist
- Heinrich Werner (born October 2, 1800 in Kirchohmfeld , † March 3, 1833 in Braunschweig), composer of the " Heidenröslein "
- Johann Carl Fuhlrott (born December 31, 1803 in Leinefelde , † October 17, 1877 in Elberfeld (today Wuppertal)), discoverer of the Neanderthal man
- Heinrich Waldmann (born February 28, 1811 in Niederorschel , † January 5, 1896 in Heiligenstadt), Catholic priest, teacher, local researcher and member of the Frankfurt National Assembly
- Levin Freiherr von Wintzingeroda-Knorr (1830–1902), politician, land army director of the province of Saxony
- Georg Cardinal von Kopp (* 1837 Duderstadt, † 1914 Troppau ), Prince-Bishop of Breslau
- Josef Rodenstock (born April 11, 1846 in Ershausen , † February 18, 1932 in Erl near Kufstein), optician, founder of the Optical Works in Munich in 1883
- Hermann Iseke (* 1856 Holungen , † 1907 German South West Africa ), poet of the " Eichsfelder Sangs " and other works
- Franz Gleitze (born November 13, 1869 in Seeburg , † June 8, 1958 in Seeburg), local poet
- Georg Greve (born May 1, 1876 in Lindau , † July 16, 1963 in Duderstadt), impressionist painter, winner of the Villa Romana Prize
- Konrad Hentrich (born October 10, 1880 in Leinefelde , † June 22, 1972 in Hamburg ) was a German linguist and university professor .
- Georg Schreiber (born January 5, 1882 in Rüdershausen , † February 24, 1963 in Münster), science and cultural politician, center politician, university professor, papal house prelate , apostolic protonotary , senator of the Max Planck Society, member of the Reichstag for the constituency of North Westphalia from 1920 to 1933
- Heino Zinserling (born October 24, 1891 in Duderstadt ; † May 26, 1980 in Hamburg-Wilhelmsburg ), academic painter and internationally recognized graphic artist
- Karl Hackethal (* 1901 in Reinholterode , † 1990 in Duderstadt), senior agricultural councilor and politician (CDU), member of the Lower Saxony state parliament from 1951 to 1957, member of the Bundestag from 1957 to 1961, member of the district council of the Duderstadt district (DUD) from 1948 to 1968 , Councilor of the city of Duderstadt, holder of the Federal Cross of Merit, 1st class
- Matthias Gleitze (born December 31, 1902 in Seeburg, † October 25, 1989 in Duderstadt ), local politician and author, holder of the Federal Cross of Merit, 1st class
- Julius Hackethal (born November 6, 1921 in Reinholterode , † October 17, 1997 in Bernau am Chiemsee ), surgeon and proponent of euthanasia
- Karl Dietrich (born July 9, 1927 in waxedt , † February 6, 2014 in Weimar ), composer and professor of composition at the Franz Liszt Academy of Music in Weimar
- Ingrid Dietrich (born March 13, 1944 in Silberhausen ), professor emeritus for intercultural education at the Heidelberg University of Education
- Gerold Wucherpfennig (born September 23, 1957 in Seulingen), Member of the State Parliament, former minister D., Eichsfeld writer and holder of the Eichsfeld home plaque
- Dieter Althaus (* June 29, 1958 in Heiligenstadt), Prime Minister a. D. of the Free State of Thuringia
- Christina Tasch (born November 11, 1959 in Küllstedt ), member of the Thuringian state parliament since 1998, from 1993 to 2010 state chairwoman of the Thuringian women's union , since 2010 chairwoman of the CDU Eichsfeld
- Hans Georg Näder (* 1961 in Duderstadt), Managing Director of the Otto Bock Group , honorary ring holder and honorary citizen of the city of Duderstadt
Personalities associated with the Eichsfeld
- Georg Ernst Levin Graf von Wintzingerode (1752–1834), Württemberg head of government and foreign minister 1801–1807 and 1814–1816, heir and court lord of Bodenstein etc.
- Ferdinand Freiherr von Wintzingerode (1770–1818), Russian cavalry general and adjutant general of Alexander I , Austrian field marshal lieutenant , co-owner of the Unterhof manor in Kirchohmfeld
- Heinrich Levin Graf von Wintzingerode (1778–1856), Württemberg diplomat and statesman, Foreign Minister 1819–1823, heir and court lord of Bodenstein
- Heinrich Heine (1797–1856), poet, writer and journalist, Protestant baptism in Heiligenstadt in June 1825
- Theodor Storm (1817–1888), writer, 1856–1863 district judge in Heiligenstadt
- Wilko Levin Graf von Wintzingerode-Bodenstein (1833–1907), MdR , 1876–1900 State Director (later State Governor ) of the Prussian Province of Saxony and President of the Evangelical Federation , Fideikommissherr zu Bodenstein
- Lode van der Linden (1888–1960), professor, academic painter and architect of Belgian nationality, resided in Duderstadt from 1917 to 1927 and from 1944 to 1950, painter of numerous pictures about the Lower Field
See also
- List of newspapers in Eichsfeld
- List of local history journals of the Eichsfeld
- List of the desert areas in the Eichsfeld district
- Battle of Struth on April 7, 1945
- List of military locations in Eichsfeld
Regional studies
- Carl August Nobrack: Detailed geographic-statistical-topographical description of the administrative district of Erfurt . Erfurt 1841.
- Carl Duval: The Eichsfeld . (Reprint). Harro von Hirschheydt Verlag, Hannover-Dören 1979, ISBN 3-7777-0002-9 .
- Historical Commission for the Province of Saxony and the Duchy of Anhalt (Ed.); Levin Freiherr von Wintzingeroda-Knorr: The desert areas of the Eichsfeld. List of desolations, prehistoric ramparts, mines, courts of justice and waiting areas within the districts of Duderstadt (province of Hanover), Heiligenstadt, Mühlhausen (state and city) and Worbis (province of Saxony). Hendel, Halle 1903. (Reprint: Mecke, Duderstadt 1995, ISBN 3-923453-70-1 )
- Karl Paul Haendly: The Electoral Mainz Principality of Eichsfeld in the course of its history, its economy and its people from 897 to 1933. Expanded to 1963 . Mecke, Duderstadt 1996, ISBN 3-923453-77-9 .
- Ulrich Leander Braun, Hans-Joachim Brudniok: Villages on the Eichsfeld . In: Settlement structures in Lower Saxony . Mecke, Duderstadt 1994, ISBN 3-923453-59-0 .
- Maria Hauff, Hans-Heinrich Ebeling : Duderstadt and the Lower Field. Lexicon of a landscape in southern Lower Saxony . Mecke, Duderstadt 1996, ISBN 3-923453-85-X .
- Torsten W. Müller: New home Eichsfeld? Refugees and displaced persons in the Catholic arrival society. Mecke-Verlag, Duderstadt 2010, ISBN 978-3-936617-93-1 .
- Hermann Raabe: Have you not seen my Eichsfeld ... A home book. Verlag FW Cordier , Heiligenstadt 2013, ISBN 978-3-939848-33-2 .
- Günther Wiegand: Eichsfeldische Bibliographie. The literature about the Eichsfeld from its beginnings to 2008 , two volumes, Mecke, Duderstadt 2015, ISBN 978-3-86944-150-4 .
- Eds. Ulrich Harteisen, Ansgar Hoppe, Hansjörg Küster , Torsten W. Müller , Haik Thomas Porada , Gerold Wucherpfennig : Das Eichsfeld. Volume 79 of the series Landscapes in Germany. Verlag Böhlau , Vienna / Cologne / Weimar 2018, ISBN 978-3-412-22539-1 .
- Johann Vinzenz Wolf : Political history of the Eichsfeldes: explained with documents. Volume I and Volume II, Rosenbusch, Göttingen 1792/1793
- Johann Vinzenz Wolf: History of the Eichsfeld . Schmieder, Hanover 1805.
- Hans H. Ebeling, Hans R. Fricke: Suffering - Hope - Joy. The border in Eichsfeld . Verlag Göttinger Tageblatt, Göttingen 1991, ISBN 3-924781-20-6 .
- Heinz Siebert: The Eichsfeld under the Soviet star . Supplemented edition, edited by Bernhard Opfermann . Mecke, Duderstadt 1992, ISBN 3-923453-47-7 .
- Peter Aufgebauer among others: Lower Saxony - from the borderland to the country in the middle. The Eichsfeld. A German border area . Ed .: Lower Saxony State Center for Political Education. Mecke, Duderstadt 2002, ISBN 3-932752-95-3 ( (digitized) [PDF; 2.1 MB ]).
- Eduard Fritze: The last days of the war in Eichsfeld and in the Mühlhausen area from April 3 to 10, 1945 . Rockstuhl, Bad Langensalza 2002, ISBN 3-936030-06-5 .
- Thomas Müller, Maik Pinkert (ed.): End of the war and a new beginning in the Eichsfeld district 1945/1946. A contemporary documentary. (= Contributions from the archives in the Eichsfeld district. Volume 2). Eichsfeld-Verlag, Heilbad Heiligenstadt 2003, ISBN 3-935782-00-4 .
- Matthias Degenhard: On the life and suffering of the Eichsfelder in the First World War - A source edition . Editor: Association for Eichsfeldische Heimatkunde eV and Heimatverein Goldene Mark (Untereichsfeld) eV Duderstadt 2018, ISBN 978-3-86944-188-7 .
- Felix Tasch: Eichsfeld refused to do arms. Construction soldiers and the Catholic Church in Eichsfeld: Joint witness of peace or solitary decision of conscience? Mecke Verlag, Duderstadt 2018, ISBN 978-3-86944-191-7 .
- Petra Behrens: Regional Identity and Regional Culture in Democracy and Dictatorship. Home propaganda, regional cultural activities and the construction of the Eichsfeld region between 1918 and 1961 (Historical Foundations of Modernism; Vol. 6). Nomos VG, Baden-Baden 2012, ISBN 978-3-8329-7655-2 (also dissertation, University of Hannover 2010).
- Christian Stöber: “Drawing lessons, gaining experience and creating an example for the construction of socialism” - SED rule in the 1950s and the emergence of the Eichsfeld Plan . In: Eichsfeld-Jahrbuch, vol. 22 (2014), pp. 281–312.
- Christian Stöber: Rosary Communism. The SED dictatorship and the Catholic milieu in Eichsfeld 1945-1989. Chr. Links Verlag, Berlin 2019, ISBN 978-3-96289-064-3 .
- Rolf G. Lucke, Josef Keppler and others: The churches in Eichsfeld. Church and art guides . Ed .: Association for Eichsfeldische Heimatkunde and from the Heimatverein Goldene Mark, Untereichsfeld, eV Mecke, Duderstadt 2005, ISBN 3-936617-41-4 .
- Rudolf Linge, Peter Schmidt: Church and Faith in the Eichsfeld . Cordier, Heiligenstadt 1975, DNB 760095221 .
- Olof Klohr : The Catholic Church on the Eichsfeld - a documentation. Research Group Scientific Atheism, Research Report 43, Rostock 1987
- Arno Wand: Church history of the Thuringian Eichsfeld from the 8th to the 20th century. A Catholic enclave in Central Germany . Verlag Cordier, Heiligenstadt 2018, ISBN 978-3-939848-61-5
- Manfred Lückert: A foray through the rural Eichsfeld 1885–1965 . Rockstuhl, Bad Langensalza 2006, ISBN 3-937135-75-8 .
- Manfred Lückert : Lovable Eichsfeld. From everyday life in the village. Tradition and belief. 1890-1990 . Rockstuhl, Bad Langensalza 2009, ISBN 978-3-86777-029-3 .
Literature and sagas
- Rudolf Linge: The rooster on the church tower - the most beautiful sagas, legends and stories from Eichsfeld . St. Benno, Leipzig 1984, DNB 840950969 .
- Helmut Godehardt: The most beautiful Eichsfeld legends . Mecke, Duderstadt 2005, ISBN 3-936617-28-7 .
Tourist guides
- Roland Geißler : The most beautiful hikes in Eichsfeld . Mecke, Duderstadt 2000, ISBN 3-932752-51-1 .
- Alexander Baum: Hiking in the Eichsfeld. 17 hiking trails . Ed .: Heimat- und Verkehrsverband Eichsfeld eV, Leinefelde-Worbis. Leinefelde 2001.
Illustrated books
- Helmut Godehardt, Erich Steffen, Karlo Schuchardt: Beautiful Eichsfeld . Mecke, Duderstadt 1992, ISBN 3-923453-39-6 .
- Eduard Fritze: The Eichsfelder Westerwald . Rockstuhl, Bad Langensalza 2007, ISBN 978-3-86777-005-7 .
- Josef Keppler, Helmut Mecke: Our beautiful Eichsfeld . Ed .: Heimat- und Verkehrsverband Eichsfeld eV, Leinefelde-Worbis. Mecke, Duderstadt 2007, ISBN 978-3-932752-59-9 .
- Torsten W. Müller: The Eichsfeld - color photographs from the 30s and 40s. Erfurt 2016, ISBN 978-3-95400-749-3 .
- Torsten W. Müller : The Eichsfeld in the 19th century - everyday images from a turbulent time. Erfurt 2018, ISBN 978-3-95400-996-1 .
- Torsten W. Müller: The Eichsfeld in color - impressions from the 50s and 60s. Erfurt 2018, ISBN 978-3-95400-815-5 .
- Torsten W. Müller: Eichsfeld - Photo treasures from the 70s and 80s. Erfurt 2018, ISBN 978-3-95400-960-2 .
Web links
- Habitat Eichsfeld - Tourism portal of the home and transport association Eichsfeld (HVE)
- Eichsfeld WiKi - free regional wiki for the Eichsfeld
- Eichsfeld find
- Where even bread is Catholic , on faz.net, January 4, 2013
Individual evidence
- ^ Sparkasse Duderstadt (ed.); Hans-Heinrich Ebeling, Maria Hauff (arr.): Duderstadt and the Untereichsfeld, lexicon of a landscape in southern Lower Saxony. Mecke Druck, Duderstadt 1996, ISBN 3-923453-85-X , pp. 287-290.
- ^ Heilbad Heiligenstadt - Eichsfeld Wiki . Retrieved October 13, 2014.
- ↑ History of the Eichsfeld - Im Eichsfeld ( Memento from October 31, 2014 in the Internet Archive ). Retrieved October 13, 2014.
- ↑ Rudolf Linge, Peter Schmidt: Church and Faith in Eichsfeld. St. Benno Verlag, Leipzig, and Cordier-Verlag, Heiligenstadt 1975, pp. 16 and 17.
- ^ Walter Schlesinger: The emergence of sovereignty. Investigations mainly based on Central German sources. Darmstadt 1969 (reprint of the first edition 1941), p. 154.
- ^ Ernst Moritz Arndt: Rhine and Ahr walks . Weber, Bonn 1846 (1st edition 1844 under the title: Walks from and around Godesberg ), p. 231.
- ↑ Thuringian State Gazette No. 20/2008 - ISSN 0939-9135 ISSN 0939-9135
- ↑ Rudolf Linge, Peter Schmidt: Church and Faith in Eichsfeld St. Benno Verlag Leipzig and Cordier Verlag, Heiligenstadt 1975, p. 16.
- ^ Eduard Fritze: The last days of the war in Eichsfeld. Rockstuhl Verlag, Bad Langensalza 2002, ISBN 3-936030-06-5 .
- ↑ List of plane crashes in Eichsfeld in 1944 and 1945, eichsfeld-sander.de
- ↑ Gerhard Reddemann: Election took place 20 years ago. In: Eichsfelder Heimatstimmen. 10, 1966, pp. 344-346; printed in: Winfried Becker: CDU and CSU 1945–1950. 1987, ISBN 3-7758-1151-6 , pp. 411-413.
- ↑ Eichsfeldtage - tradition since 1913 Göttinger Tageblatt, on August 23, 2015, accessed on September 18, 2017.
- ↑ Eichsfeldtage 2010 Thuringian State Gazette 29/2010
- ^ Orgelherbst on kirchen-musik-Eichsfeld.de
- ↑ Archive link ( memento from September 20, 2017 in the Internet Archive ) on Bistum-Erfurt.de
- ↑ The organ autumn is still the core of the work. In: Thüringer Allgemeine from April 21, 2017.
- ↑ ( page no longer available , search in web archives )
- ^ Bouncy castle, hatred and Hitler salute - malfunction alarms. In: zeit.de . Retrieved May 8, 2017 .
- ↑ Look to the right : Article on Eichsfeld Heimattag .
- ↑ terminus right .: Brown hate music in Eichsfeld. In: endstation-rechts.de. June 16, 2015, accessed September 14, 2017 .
- ^ Agricultural site conditions in the Eichsfeld district on TLUG-Jena.de
- ^ Matthias Bittorf: Continuity and change in northern Thuringia: the eastern Eichsfeld and the district of Nordhausen. Tectum Verlag, Marburg 2012, p. 166.
- ↑ Eichsfelder Bauernverband in Thuringian Bauernverband.de
- ↑ Rolf Adler, Tassilo Bitzan: Historical everyday life in the villages of the Untereichsfeldes. Mecke, Duderstadt 2007, p. 71.
- ↑ in book preview Eichsfelder conscientious objector publisher Mecke Duderstadt pdf
Coordinates: 51 ° 24 ' N , 10 ° 13' E