List of military locations in Eichsfeld

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This list of military locations in Eichsfeld shows the barracks and objects used by the military , police and other armed organs in Eichsfeld .


The Eichsfeld was located in the Kurmainzer and later in Prussian times due to its peripheral location away from larger military locations and facilities. Only mountain heights, but also some lowlands, offered themselves in the Middle Ages for the construction of castles. Furthermore, the cities of Duderstadt, Heiligenstadt and Worbis, with their city walls and ramparts, had a defensive character.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the altitude of the upper Eichsfeld west of Dingelstädt came into the focus of Prussian military planners. A large military training area or maneuvering area for the XI. Army corps arise. Large parts of the districts of the villages of Flinsberg, Heuthen, Kefferhausen, Kreuzebra and waxedt would have been affected, and some places would have had to be relocated. After the plans became known, resistance formed and the plans were finally abandoned. For this purpose, the existing maneuvering area of ​​the Thuringian states near Ohrdruf was further expanded.


Two GDR border guards near Lindewerra
Federal border police at the still unsecured border at Zwinge

The Eichsfeld came into military interest only after World War II with the establishment of the occupation zones and short-term billeting by Allied military units. Due to the border location of the Eichsfeld, the zone borders between the Soviet occupation zone and the occupation area of the Western Allies in Germany ran here from summer 1945 . The Soviet, American and British occupation zones met at the border triangle near Hohengandern . The border was initially monitored by occupation troops, after 1946 also gradually by German paramilitary police units. In the Soviet occupation zone it was the border police, from 1952 the German border police . These were initially housed in temporary accommodations near the border.

With the establishment of the border regime from 1952 with the establishment of the restricted area and the expansion of the border installations, numerous new objects and barracks were built along the inner-German border , initially as simple barracks, later as permanent barracks. The objects of the border barracks were mostly equipped with car garages, ammunition stores and a dog kennel in addition to the troop accommodation . Heiligenstadt became the seat of the border regiment 4 of the border troops of the GDR . The individual border companies were responsible for monitoring a certain section of the border. The immediate border installations included numerous observation towers , including mostly one command post per company (see: Katharinenberg border tower ).

The altitude of the Eichsfeld near the border was also used during the Cold War to monitor the airspace and radio communications in the Federal Republic of Germany by the East German and Soviet military and the Ministry for State Security . With the German reunification , the military objects of the border troops and other units disappeared along with the border installations.

In West Germany, the border inspection service of the customs administration was commissioned to monitor the border. For that were inches police stations (in Duderstadt) and border law enforcement agencies set up (including in Nesselröden). In 1956, Duderstadt became the location of a hundred of the Federal Border Guard and, from 1967, a department of the Hanover Border Guard Command (GSA III / 5).


The list contains a listing of locations in alphabetical order. The objects were mostly on the outskirts, more rarely in or far outside the towns. It is not always possible to determine the exact time in which these facilities existed and were used militarily. Legend for military, police and customs units deployed at the inner-German border:

District of the GDR
district of the FRG
object Military unit Location since Location up Remarks image
Arenshausen Heiligenstadt Border barracks GT 1961 1964
Bischhagen Heiligenstadt Border barracks DGP, GT 1958 1971 tore off
Bornhagen Heiligenstadt Border barracks GT 1962 1971 current use: apartments Bornhagen GK4.jpg
from 1973 Göttingen
barracks BGS 1956 today current use: Federal Police
Duderstadt Duderstadt
from 1973 Göttingen
Customs office GAD
Freienhagen Heiligenstadt barracks DGP, GT 1958 1990 first border barracks
later solid construction
Barracks Freienhagen (2) .jpg
Ecklingerode Worbis Border barracks GT 1990 current usage: unknown
Geismar Heiligenstadt Border barracks, reserve property DGP / GT 1952/61 1978/89
Great potter Heiligenstadt Border barracks DGP / GT 1952 1971 tore off
Günterode Heiligenstadt Border barracks DGP / GT 1952 1990 initially barracks,
later solid construction,
current use: private
Heilbad Heiligenstadt
Heiligenstadt Regimental barracks GT 1990 z. Partly converted for fire brigade, apartments
Heilbad Heiligenstadt
Heiligenstadt Regimental staff GT 1961 1990 current use: school,?
Heilbad Heiligenstadt
Heiligenstadt Med point GT 1967 1989 current use: technical aid organization
Heilbad Heiligenstadt Heiligenstadt Military district command NVA current use: private
Heilbad Heiligenstadt Heiligenstadt District Office MfS 1990 Usage today: Office of the district of Heiligenstadt
Heyerode Mulhouse Border barracks and battalion GT 1961 1966
Hildebrandshausen Mulhouse Border barracks GT 1976 1990 current usage: unknown Hildebrandshausen barracks (4) .jpg
Hohengandern Heiligenstadt Border barracks GT 1964 1990
Jützenbach Worbis Border barracks GT 1981 1990 current use: private
Worbis barracks GSSD Radar surveillance
completely dismantled
Kreuzebra Worbis Barracks (FuTK-514) NVA Radar surveillance, heliport,
current use: airfield for gyrocopter
Radar display Kreuzebra (9) .jpg
Mengelrode Heiligenstadt Border barracks GT 1964 1990 tore off
Neuendorf Worbis Border barracks DGP / GT 1952 1971 tore off
Pfaffschwende Heiligenstadt Border barracks GT 1966 1990 current usage: unknown
Rustenfelde Heiligenstadt Border barracks DGP / GT 1958 1990 current use: school Rustenfelde barracks.jpg
Silkerode Worbis Border barracks GT 1971 1990 current usage: unknown
Performance Worbis Border barracks DGP / GT 1951 1990 tore off
Performance Worbis Border crossing point MfS (disguised as members of the border troops)
1973 1990 current use: Grenzlandmuseum Grenzlandmuseum Teistungen.jpg
Volkerode Heiligenstadt Border barracks GT 1966 current usage: unknown
Waxed Worbis Barracks (radio engineering company) GSSD demolished
today's use: solar park
Turning houses Mulhouse Border barracks DGP 1952 1960
Wahlhausen Heiligenstadt Border barracks GT 1958 1990 current use: nursing home
Weidenbach Heiligenstadt Border barracks GT 1990 current use: apartments
Weilrode Worbis Border barracks GT 1971 1990
Weißenborn-Lüderode Worbis Border barracks GT 1971 then still reserve property
Turning houses Mulhouse Border barracks DGP / GT 1952 1967 current use: private
Worbis Worbis Military district command NVA
Worbis Worbis District Office MfS 1990
Wüstheuterode Heiligenstadt Border barracks, training object DGP / GT 1954 1980

Other plants and facilities

Bunker system of the Soviet troops on the Keudelskuppe

With the handover of border surveillance from the Soviet troops to the border police or border troops of the GDR, the Soviet military did not withdraw completely from the border, but set up observation posts behind the border line at elevated positions at certain intervals. They were used to observe the German border area. These observation posts were mostly simple earth bunkers, with trenches and mostly only tent accommodations for the soldiers. They were not manned all year round, but only on certain occasions or periods.

The Ministry for State Security of the GDR was represented with mobile radio monitoring stations, as well as a few small permanent locations also on heights near the border in Eichsfeld.

Military objects outside the calibration field

The Federal Border Guard in Eschwege

Other military locations near the border not far from the Eichsfeld were:

  • Barracks of the BGS (1953–1997) and the Federal Police (until today) in Eschwege
  • Observation post of the American armed forces at the border triangle (1970–)
  • Border regiment 1 of the border troops of the GDR in Mühlhausen (until 1990)
  • Radio-technical investigation of the GSSD in Eigenrieden (1981 / 83–1991)

Web links

Commons : Military building in Eichsfeld  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Alfons Grunenberg: military training area on the Eichsfelder Höhe. In: Eichsfelder Heimatzeitschrift. Issue 4. Verlag Mecke Duderstadt 2011, pp. 121–123