List of the desert areas in the Eichsfeld district

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This list shows the desert areas in the Eichsfeld district . The district of Eichsfeld is not identical to the historical Eichsfeld , but extends over large areas of the upper field and a smaller part of the lower field. The Eichsfeld was one of the most desolate areas in the Holy Roman Empire , with around 288 preserved places or settlements compared to over 530 desolations.

Historical background

The lower-lying areas of the Eichsfeld were initially settled from the south by Thuringian ethnic groups, especially after the migration period . After the destruction of the Thuringian kingdom migrated from the north to Saxony attributed ostfälische strains belonging to the middle and the south also came Frankish settlers. Wends also settled there , some place names and the Wendish mark still surviving today. Whether the current language border between Low German and Central German also represented the settlement limit is not exactly proven.

With the further settlement of the Eichsfeld, larger forest areas were cleared in higher regions and numerous small villages or settlements were founded. Many of these places were abandoned up to the 15th century, especially after armed conflicts in the late Middle Ages, but also due to inadequate living conditions. The residents then mostly moved to neighboring and larger villages, which offered more protection, the demarcation of these places was then usually added to these places. Although the Eichsfeld was badly affected in the Thirty Years War, hardly any places were permanently abandoned during this time. From the 20th century onwards, single farms and mills outside the villages were given up; after 1945, this particularly affected farms and former manors close to the inner German border , which were forcibly cleared and demolished.

List of desolations

The list does not claim to be complete, as there are only a few documents or documents of many place names. With some desert names, it is not certain whether they are pure local desertions or corridors. Places that were abandoned and later repopulated under the same name, as well as abandoned castle complexes, are not listed. The geographic location of many other desert locations is not known (?). The date of the first mention is therefore typically not a date of foundation, the foundation was earlier. The dating of the abandonment of the desert is even less precise; the point in time can usually only be estimated by the fact that the place name no longer appears in documents from a certain point in time. Typical is the variety of spellings that have changed over the decades and centuries. An exact assignment of historical place names in old documents to today's villages is therefore not always guaranteed.

Surname location First mention Beginning of lying in the desert Remarks image
Albolderode Reifenstein 1123 after the monastery was built
Altendorf Heilbad Heiligenstadt Noble family von Altendorf: Hans 1381, Guntram Vogt on the Rusteberg
Altenhagen Wingerode 1281
Altjützenbach Jützenbach 1124 (Guzenbeche novali) 13th century
Amscherode Geismar 1577 (Amsrode)
Arm swing Burgwalde , Schachtebich 17th century (Allmanswend) possibly a predecessor of Burgwalde
Arnolsbach Fretterode 1856 interest and tithes from the desert to that of Hanstein
Ascha Holungen , Bischofferode 1124 after 1506?
Ascherode Martinfeld 1146 (Eseherichsrode) belonged to the Ascheröder Mühle court of Tastungen
(demolished in 1975)
Mf 14.JPG
Bauerneck Stöckey , Weilrode
Beisenburg , Poiseburg Beuren 1412 (Poyseburg) after 1836 Vorwerk
Bennekendorf Holungen 1431 (Benkinsdorff)
Bergeshagen Breitenbach 1191 (Berengerhagen) 16th century
Broom clearance Hohengandern 1362 (Amsrode) 1533 Vorwerk Besenrode
(Nieder) -Beuren Beuren 1201 (Boers) the later monastery of Beuren
Bibra Rengelrode 1318 (Bybera)
Boppenrode Bischofferode 1293 (Popenrode)
Colorful Rustenfelde 1162 Colorful mill
Deienrode Schönau 1318 (deyenrode) before 1676
Dorntal Sickerode before 1358 (Dornthal) former Thormühle as a remnant
Eckstedt Wachsedt , Küllstedt 1318 (Bybera) before 1514
Eilrode, Elenrode Marth 1254 (Elenrod) at today's Wiesenmühle
Ehrenborn, Ohrborn Martinfeld 1317 (Orneborn) before 1420
Eltingerode, Ellingerode, Etzelrode Gerterode (1549) Ellingeröder or Schwarzburger Mühle as a relic
Esplingerode Stöckey , Epschenrode 1087 after the founding of Epschenrode
Etzelsbach Steinbach before 1556 Etzelsbach pilgrimage chapel as a remnant Pilgrimage Chapel Etzelsbach (IMG6545) .jpg
Friedrichshausen Bornhagen 1335 (Fredegershusen)
Fromelderode Martinfeld 1339 (Conradus dictus) Foreign wheel before 1511
(Upper) peace Great potter 1358 15th century
Germerode Wingerode
Glasehausen Schönau , Uder 1341 after 1600
Goburg Volkerode 1358 (in villa Gaburg) 15./16. Century Fortification with village GoburgWüstung.jpg
Götzenrode Großbartloff before 1608 (Getzenroda)
Griesbach Uder 1305 (Gryzebeche) 1341 (or earlier)
Griemelbach, Grumelbeche u. a. Bischhagen , Siemerode 1310 (Crimelbech) 14th century
Gunzerode, Günzerode Flinsberg 1146 before 1600
Hadewardshausen Heilbad Heiligenstadt 1254 (Hadewardeshusen) on the outskirts of Heiligenstadt
Hadewarterode, Hauterode from 1227 there are documents for the two present-day places Steinheuterode and Wüstheuterode , but these cannot be clearly assigned
Harbach, Horbach Wingerode , Hundeshagen 1281 16th century
Haselbach Jützenbach 1124
Haukental, Hackental Geismar before 1420 (Hauckental)
Heddigerode Kleinbartloff 1253 16th century
Heathens Gernrode , Breitenworbis 1549
Helmeried Stockey 1123 after the founding of Stöckey am Rittergut
Herrmannshagen Teistungen , Hundeshagen 1191
Hessel Meadow field 1358 (villa Hesteler) before 1465 Upper and lower
Hessel Gut Hessel
Heart corner Dingelstädt 1134 (Hirzwinkili)
Hillenhaben Weißenborn-Lüderode 1124 (Hildenhaben)
Hirsingerode Schwobfeld 1206 (Hurchenroth) before 1358 (Hersungerode)
High cool, Hokulle Dingelstädt 1134 14th century
Honeckerode, Hankenrode Schwobfeld 1284 to the west is today's place Hennigerode
Hoscherod Haynrode 1222 16th century
Hunrode, Hunnigerode Westhausen 1603 (Hungerode) 1610 (Heinchenroda)
Huchelheim Kaltohmfeld 14th century
Hüchelheim, Huchelheim Heilbad Heiligenstadt 1316 (Huchelheym) Huchelheim gate in the city wall, noble family: Heinrich 1312
Hudenrode ? Weißenborn-Lüderode 1124
Hugenworbis Latitude 1268 17th century Hugenworbis7.JPG
Hunderode, Hunrode Marth 1318 (invilla Gunrode) today the Hunrod farm complex
Hunrode Soil clearing before 1603
Ickendorf Ferna 1062 15th century
Immental Jützenbach 1124 (Imbendale)
Ichtenbach (Eichtenbach) Stockey after Limlingerode was founded
Itzenhain Bockelnhagen 1420 today Tettenborn heads
Camp Ecklingerode , Wehnde 1266 (in Kampo)
Kubsdorf Döringsdorf 1385 (Kybesdorf) around 1500 1583 Start of construction Vorwerk Kuebsdorff / Keudelstein
again desolate fall and 1978 demolition of Gut Keudelstein
Kirchberg Dingelstädt 1134 (Kireberc) 15./16. Century
Church Village Bockelnhagen 1154 16th century Kirchdorf deserted area (6) .jpg
Kirrode Effects 1297 17th century
Sketch rod Weißenborn-Lüderode 1124
Kreuzhagen Stockey after a fiefdom of the monastery Walkenried was
Krummelbach, Krummelbach Mengelrode 1310 (Crimelbach) 1318 (Grummelbecke desolato)
Lamprechtsrode, Lamps Rode Heilbad Heiligenstadt 1365
Laubach Lower Orschel 1334 (Lobpach) 16th century
Lentershagen Schachtebich 1566 1629 (Wustung Lentershagen) Lentershagen farmyard demolished in 1982 Goose pond 04.JPG
Lichtenberg Lehna 1358
Liebenrode in the Düsterthal Stockey 1246 1789
Luterode Effects 1209 16th century
Windisch-Lutter, Wenigen-Lutter, Nieder-Lutra Lutter 1318 (wyndian lutera) Ober-Lutter is today's Lutter
Luterode Effects 1209 (Lutenrot) before 1290
Luttershausen Großbartloff 1420 (Luterichshusen) at today's Luttermühle
Mackenrode Thalwend 1394 Mattenrode
Mittelhausen Jützenbach 1262 Jützenbach Mittelhausen1.jpg
Möncherode Zwinge , Pöhlde 952 (Munikreod), 1230 (Monneckerodt) before 1482
Neiderode, Nerderode Latitude
Neuendorf Lower Orschel 1306 (Nuendorff) 16th century
Neuenhagen Waxed 1358 (Nuenhagen) today's Klüschen Hagis
New food (upper and lower meal) Uder 1318 (Nuwezezenn) before 1610
Nottenrode Gernrode before 1609
Oberode Leinefelde before 1570 (Ubenrode)
Ockental, Hackental Westhausen 1146 (Occandale)
Polkendorf Geismar 1358 (Pulkendorff) 15th century
Pollenborn Stöckey , Epschenrode 1626/1627: after the fire protection in the 30 Years War and the outbreak of the plague
Queckhagen Günterode 1381 Border (Hagen) to the immediately neighboring Günterode
Rappolderode Wintzingerode 1238/46 (Rupolderoth) before 1448
Reckerode Wüstheuterode 1221 (Reigard red) 1338 (Rekerode)
Reckerode Rengelrode 1306
Display houses Gerbershausen 1336 (Renwordshusen)
Riekenbach (to Ohe) Epschenrode , Schiedungen 1298 1564
Riesbach Siemerode 1381 (Richersbach) before 1548 (Reyspach) formed the border to the City Court of Heiligenstadt
Rieth Beuren 1146 (Rydene)
Riethe Uder 1146
Ritterbach Worbis 1311 (Ridisbach) 16th century In Sachsenthal - deserted Ritterbach - panoramio.jpg
Röblingerode Wingerode 1318 (Rebingerode)
Rödchen, Herod Großbartloff 15th century (Rode)
Roderode, Rodingerode Bernterode 1221 (Rodingerode) before 1751 (Ruderoda)
Rohrbach Volkerode 1221 (Rorbach)
Rohrbach Beuren before 1536
Tube Rustenfelde 1526 (Roer)
Rosenhagen Stöckey , Limlingerode 1123 around 1631: after the fire estimate in the 30 Years War
Rotenbach Wüstheuterode 1383 (Rodinbach)
Rotenhar, Rotenborn Kella 1336
Rothenbach Controversy (Rodenbach) 14./15. Century
Rothenbach Wüstheuterode 1283 (Rodinbach)
Rottenbach Großbartloff (1328) (Rothenhac)
Rudolfshausen Wilbich 1420 (Rudolffeshusen) 15th century
Rumerode Birkenfelde 1236 (Rabodenrothe) later Gut Rumerode
Rumerode Breitenbach 1227 (Rumarod)
Ruprechtshausen Gerbershausen 1236 (Robretteshusen)
Rustenrode Volkerode 1583 Rustenrodt
Ruterode Fretterode 1309 (Rutherode)
Sachsenhagen Kreuzebra 1570/80 1962 later as the Steinhagen homestead Deserted Steinhagen.jpg
Salmerode Haynrode 1293 (Sarmenrode) 16th century
Schnellsrode, Schnellenrode Meadow field 1358 (Snelnrade)
Seehausen Hollau 1171 (Sehusen)
sail Kaltohmfeld , Kirchohmfeld 1347 around 16th century Noble family: Conrad and Hermann 1347 At the forester's lodge Segel - panoramio (2) .jpg
Siegfriederode Worbis , Breitenholz 1570/80 Siegfriederode - panoramio.jpg
Siemerode ? (from Großbartloff to Lengenfeld) 1312 (Symerade) 15th century
Schorbrandeshagen Schönhagen 1323 (Schorbrandshagen) possibly predecessor of Schönhagen
Schwickschwende Birkenfelde 1562 (Swikkerswende)
Selmanrot, Schelmenrode Birkenfelde 1055 (Selmanruoth)
Siemerode, (Silberode) Ershausen 1312 (Symerade) before 1420
Sindelbach, Siedebach Ershausen 1433 (Syndelbach)
Sohlbach Brehme , Jützenbach 1124 (Solebach)
Pole wood Stöckey , Weißenborn-Lüderode
Steina Arenshausen 1318 (Steyna) 1486 in the 16th as manors upper and lower stone rebuilt
(On) the stem base Stöckey , Weißenborn-Lüderode 1123 after the demarcation between Kurmainzer "Ur-Eichsfeld" and the county of Hohenstein-Klettenberg was established
Stiedenrode, Stuterode Lindewerra 1329
Licorice (Suizholtz) Stockey 1103 after the establishment of the manor in Stöckey
Tarterode Flinsberg , Martinfeld 1306 15th century
Teistungenburg Performance 1062/1090 (Eistungenborg) 14./15. Century the monastery Teistungenburg was first built in this place and rebuilt later on the hill
Tiemelsbach Fretterode 1368
Tiemerode, Damerode Rohrberg 1552
Totelen, Dautel Dog hare 1331
Ingratitude Dingelstädt 1209 (Undanekeshusen) 16th century? Noble family: Conrad 1227
Vockerot? Steinheuterode
Volsbach, Folsbach Wingerode 1281 before 1548 Glassworks 77Win19.JPG
Wackenrode Martinfeld , waxedt 1138
Wendelrode Niederorschel , Gernrode 1209 (Wedelenroth) 16th century
Few Bischofferode Bischofferode 1431
Few Buhla Buhla 1506 (Buhla minor)
Werdigeshausen Kefferhausen 1262 (Wedehus) 15th century Werdigeshäuser Church as a holdover Werdigeshäuser Kirche.JPG
Westernhagen Berlingerode 1370 (Dorpe to dem Westernhagen) Belonging to Westernhagen Castle
Wetsche Great potter 1358 (Wetche) 1583 Vorwerk (Wettich)
Wettelrode Stockey 1712/1734
Wiesenbach, Wissenbich Martinfeld 1209? 1385 (Wesenbach) Martinfeld Ibenkuppe 02.JPG
Wiherode, Wierode Burgwalde , Steinheuterode 1310
Wildings Tastings , Brehme 1253 16.-17. Century Brehme - Wildungen desert - panoramio (2) .jpg
Wilmerode Heilbad Heiligenstadt 1634 (Wülmeröder Grund)
Wirkeshagen Dingelstädt 1162 (Wirckeshagen)
Jokes Wintzingerode , Ferna 1062 (Wecinge), 1333 (Wetzingen) 16th century
Wizkenrode, Metzingerode Fretterode , Vatterode 1244 ?, 1297 before 1603
Wolkramshausen Helmsdorf 1283 (Wolcramshusen) 16th century? Noble family: Siegrfied 1323

Sometimes desolate places

Here places are listed that were temporarily desolate, were later rebuilt and still exist: Beinrode , Fürstenhagen , Glasehausen , Kaltohmfeld , Krombach , Misserode , Neuendorf , Pfaffschwende , Rumerode , Sickerode , waxedt , Wilbich , Wintzingerode , Wüstheuterode .


  • Levin von Wintzingeroda-Knorr : The desert areas of the Eichsfeld: Directory of the desert areas, prehistoric ramparts, mines, courts of justice and waiting areas within the districts of Duderstadt, Heiligenstadt, Mühlhausen and Worbis. O. Hendel, Göttingen 1903.
  • Erhard Müller: The place names of the district of Heiligenstadt. Published by Council of the District of Heiligenstadt, Eichsfelddruck Heiligenstadt 1989.
  • K.-H. Müller: The place names of the Nordhausen and Worbis districts. Machine screw Housework Jena 1954,
  • G. Reichel: Historical maps of the districts of Heiligenstadt (1908) and Worbis (1913), Ed. Historical Commission of the Province of Saxony, printed by Louis Koch Halberstadt.
  • Historical and regional excursion map of Lower Saxony. Sheet of Duderstadt (scale 1: 50000). Edited by Helmut Jäger, map and explanatory booklet, Hildesheim 1954.
  • K.-M. Müller: The place names of the Nordhausen and Worbis districts. Housework for university housework, Jena 1954.
  • Walter Prochska: The desertification process on the Mittel- and Südichsfelde. In: Eichsfelder Heimatstimmen, Vol. 33 (1989) pp. 165-169, 256-262, 362-365, 403-406, 457 and Vol. 34 (1990) pp 22-26, 66-70.
  • Christian Hunold, Gerd Leuckefeld: For sale and the demarcation of the former village of Kirrode. In: Eichsfelder Heimatzeitschrift. Vol. 49 (2005), issue 11, Mecke Druck and Verlag Duderstadt, pp. 403-404.
  • Volker Große: Lost cultural sites in Eichsfeld 1945 to 1989: A documentation. Edited by the Bischöfliches Kommissariat Heiligenstadt & Maik Pinkert, Eichsfeld Verlag 2010, ISBN 978-3935782159 .

See also

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Günther Franz: The Thirty Years War and the German People: Investigation of Population and Agricultural History. Verlag Gustav Fischer, Stuttgart / New York 1979, page 104
  2. Volker Große: Lost cultural sites in Eichsfeld 1945 to 1989: A documentation . Ed .: Bischöfliches Kommissariat Heiligenstadt, Maik Pinkert. Eichsfeld Verlag, 2010, ISBN 978-3-935782-15-9 , pp. 256 .

Web links

Commons : Wüstungen in the Eichsfeld district  - collection of images, videos and audio files