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Sweden Gotland location map.svg
Localization of Gotland in Sweden
State : Sweden
Province  (län): Gotland County
Historical Province (landskap): Gotland
Municipality  : Gotland
Coordinates : 57 ° 43 '  N , 18 ° 48'  E Coordinates: 57 ° 43 '  N , 18 ° 48'  E
SCB code : 2536
Status: Crime scene
Residents : 946 (December 31, 2015)
Area : 1.52 km²
Population density : 622 inhabitants / km²
List of perpetrators in Gotland County

Slite is a place ( tätort ) on the Swedish island of Gotland in the province County of Gotland and the historical county of Gotland.


The third largest town on the island is on the east coast, about 35 km northeast of Visby , the main town on the island, in the Gotland municipality . It is the economic center of Northeast Gotland and is characterized by the cement industry .


Slite, with the natural harbor Bogeviken , which was still connected to the sea as a bay , was the most important port on the east coast as early as the Viking Age . This is evidenced by a burial ground from around 1000 AD and the hoards of Spillings with Swedish, Russian and Baltic objects.

From 1963 to the formation of the Gotland municipality in 1971, the place had the status of a minor town (Swedish köping ). Slite has long been a center of commerce; Today tourism is an important source of income, but so is industry with the extraction of stone and gravel as well as cement production . One of the largest cement plants in Northern Europe is located here and is operated by Cementa , a subsidiary of HeidelbergCement .

The famous Pilgårdstein (now in Gotlands Fornsal in Visby) comes from Slite and tells of a voyage by the Vikings through the Dnieper Mountains .

The church

Slite Church

The Church of Slite is one of three on Gotland that belong to the Swedish state church and were built from scratch after the Middle Ages , thus not belonging to the Gotland country churches . It was built in 1959/1960 according to plans by the architect Holger Jensen, with funds from the Slite Church Foundation. The shape is modern and unrelated to Gotlandic traditions. It includes a church hall with around 200 seats, a sacristy and a wooden bell tower connected to this with an attached large wooden cross. The church building has a special character from the large hipped roof, which is open to the ridge on the inside. Most of the low walls are glazed. A wide view of the sea replaces the traditional altar panel. The triumphal cross was sculpted by Bertil Nyström. The organ was purchased in 1961.


The Museumshof Vike (Swedish. Vike minnesgård) is a Gotland beach courtyard , where fields and buildings are intact and an old herb garden and a hop garden ("Humlegården") exist. It is located near the beach on the east coast south of Slite on Tjalder Bay. About three kilometers west of Slite on the other side of the Bogeviken are the Aner watermill and the Boge church .

Sons and daughters of the place



  • Marita Jonsson, Sven-Olof Lindquist: Gotland cultural guide. Almqvist and Wiksell, Uppsala 1993, ISBN 91-88036-09-X .

Web links

Commons : Slite  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b Statistiska centralbyrån : Land area per Tatort, folkmängd and invånare per square kilometer. Vart femte år 1960 - 2015 (database query)