Kiril Christov

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Kiril Christov

Kiril Christow ( Bulgarian Кирил Христов ['xristɔv]; scientific transliteration Kiril Christov ; born June 29, 1875 in Stara Zagora ; † November 7, 1944 ) was a Bulgarian poet , novelist and playwright . He is the father of the geodesist Vladimir Christow (1902–1979).


Christow was born on June 29, 1875 in Stara Zagora, and went to school there, as well as in Samokow , Veliko Tarnovo and Sofia . In 1895 he went to the Navy Military School in Trieste on a scholarship . In Italy he dealt with Dante Alighieri and Giacomo Leopardi , among others . After a year stay he went back to Bulgaria. Travel to Italy and the German Empire followed . For a while Christow taught Bulgarian language and literature at Charles University in Prague .

During the Balkan Wars of 1912/13 and also during the First World War , Christow worked as a military correspondent. In 1922 he settled in Leipzig and in 1929 in Prague. In 1930 he taught again at the Charles University in Prague. In 1938 he returned to Bulgaria. On November 7, 1944, he died of lung cancer.


His first isolated publications appeared in 1894, and in 1896 his first collection of poems, Singing and Sighing , appeared, with which he was immediately successful. He continued his literary career with translations of important writers (translations from Russian, German, Italian and French). In 1897 his second anthology Passions appeared . The third was called Eternal Shadow , the fourth At the Crossroads . He published his collected works as early as 1903 - at that time he was a famous and celebrated poet. During his stay in the German Reich, he came under the influence of German modernism. His most creative creative phase lasted from 1912 to 1918.

After he settled in Prague in 1929, his most patriotic work was published, entitled From the Nation to the Race . From 1928 to 1930 he worked on a long poem in three parts called Children of the Mountains . In 1937/38 he wrote the first Bulgarian science fiction book Entdecker about a Bulgarian scientist who discovered the mysterious blue light. In the last years of his life he worked on his memories entitled Time and Contemporaries .

Web links

Commons : Kiril Hristov  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files