Klaus Peter Berger

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Klaus Peter Berger (born June 1, 1961 in Dortmund ) is a German legal scholar .


After graduating from high school in Dortmund in 1980, he studied law at Bielefeld University until 1987 . This was followed in 1987/1988 by a master’s degree at the University of Virginia . From 1989 to 1996 he worked as a research assistant at the Institute for Banking Law at the University of Cologne . During this time he completed his doctorate in 1991 , in which he dealt with international commercial arbitration , and completed his habilitation in 1996 at Cologne University with a thesis on the offsetting contract .

In 1996 he was appointed professor at the Westphalian Wilhelms University in Münster in Westphalia . Until 2002 he held the chair for German and international commercial and economic law , comparative law and international private law . Here he founded the Center for Transnational Law in 1998 and in 1999 was visiting professor at the University of Virginia, where he taught European business law. Since the summer semester of 2002, Berger has been professor for private law , German and international commercial, business and banking law, international private law and comparative law at the University of Cologne. He is also the managing director of the Institute for Banking Law and the Center for Transnational Law (CENTRAL) at the University of Cologne, which he founded in 1998 . He also taught since 1997 Eastern European graduates at the TMC Asser Institute in The Hague in International Commercial Law and since 2005 holder of a visiting professor of the University of Dundee .

Scientific activity

Berger deals scientifically with the areas of German and international contract law , banking and financial market law, the law of foreign trade finance, international commercial arbitration, transnational business law and comparative law. He is the author on the subject of loan law in the Munich Commentary on the BGB and on the subject of the law of general terms and conditions in the BGB Commentary published by Prütting, Wegen and Weinreich. He also publishes on the subject of national and international arbitration . Berger is co-editor of the journal for comparative law . He has also been a permanent employee of the trade journal Law of International Business (RIW) since 1999 . Since April 2009, Berger and his Center for Transnational Law have been running the Internet database "Trans-Lex", a research platform for transnational business law, consisting of the "Trans-Lex Principles" and an extensive collection of materials. He is also chairman of the German Institution for Arbitration (DIS) .

Berger became known beyond specialist circles when, at the beginning of 2009, he published his rap on § 823 BGB as a song and video clip, which until then was only known within the faculty , which met with broad media interest and, for example, his colleague Tim Drygala from the University of Leipzig on a also in rhyme form Response motivated.

Since April 2016, Berger has been Dean of Studies at the Law Faculty of the University of Cologne.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Klaus Peter Berger: Private Dispute Resolution in International Business - Negotiation Mediation Arbitration . 3. Edition. Wolters Kluwer, 2015, ISBN 978-90-411-5828-4 .
  2. Trans-Lex (database on transnational business law)
  3. YO, YO, JURA - Battle of the rapping professors . In: Spiegel Online - unispiegel , January 22, 2009
  4. ^ Faculty of Law, University of Cologne. In: www.jura.uni-koeln.de. Retrieved April 6, 2016 .