Klaus Rohrberg

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Klaus Rohrberg (born May 5, 1932 - July 23,  2016 ) was a German sports scientist and university professor .


Rohrberg completed  his PhD B  in 1979 at the German University of Physical Culture (DHfK) in Leipzig , the title of his thesis was "Sports activity and socialist personality development: a theoretical-sociological consideration of this relationship with special consideration of physical education". From 1985 to 1994 he held a professorship for the history and theory of physical culture at the University of Education in Zwickau and from 1992 after its integration at the University of Chemnitz / Zwickau . Rohrberg dealt, among other things, with the connection between sport and socialist society, physical education, personal development in sporting terms, "motivating young people to do sport", the area of ​​"needs and sporting activity", "sporting value orientations of students", the " The role of sports sociology in the development of recreational sports in the former GDR ”.

After his retirement, Rohrberg published, among other things, essays on sports history topics such as the development of popular sport in the GDR (published in 1999 in the journal Sportwissenschaft ), on the subject of "Individualization and Sport" and the question of whether popular sport was neglected in the GDR.

In 2007 he published together with Fred Gras and Bero Rigauer  “Sports sociology and sports practice in the GDR and FRG. A comparative study ", which did not want to choose an approach characterized by East-West thinking and mutual competition, but pursued the goal of" conducting a sociological dialogue on the level of empathic and enlightening communication ".

In 2006, in retrospect, he complained about a "war against the GDR" on the part of the West, which also extended to sport and included, among other things, "boycott, defamation and poaching".

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Commemorative page by Klaus Rohrberg. In: Freiepresse.de. Retrieved February 4, 2019 .
  2. Klaus Rohrberg: Sports activity and socialist personality development: a theoretical-sociological consideration of this relationship with special consideration of physical education / . 1979 ( uni-leipzig.de [accessed on February 4, 2019]).
  3. THE AUTHORS. In: Contributions to the history of sports, issue 9/1999. Retrieved on February 5, 2019 .
  4. Klaus Rohrberg: Sports activity as social activity of people in socialist society . In: Theory and Practice of Physical Culture . tape 31 , no. 3 , 1982, ISSN  0563-4458 , pp. 188–191 ( bisp-surf.de [accessed February 4, 2019]).
  5. Klaus Rohrberg: The importance of the collective for the personality development of the students in physical education . In: physical education . tape 24 , no. 8/9 , 1974, ISSN  0323-4916 , pp. 395–402 ( bisp-surf.de [accessed February 4, 2019]).
  6. Klaus Rohrberg: On some questions of personality development . In: physical education . tape 26 , no. 2/3 , 1976, ISSN  0323-4916 , p. 75–80 ( bisp-surf.de [accessed February 4, 2019]).
  7. Klaus Rohrberg, Frigga Dickwach: Motivation of young people for doing sports . In: Scientific journal of the German University for Physical Culture . tape 29 , no. 3 , 1988, ISSN  0457-3919 , pp. 71–78 ( bisp-surf.de [accessed February 4, 2019]).
  8. Klaus Rohrberg: Requirements and sport Activity of sport sociological perspective . In: Theory and Practice of Physical Culture . tape 28 , no. 10 , 1979, ISSN  0563-4458 , pp. 795–801 ( bisp-surf.de [accessed February 4, 2019]).
  9. Klaus Rohrberg: Analysis of sporting value orientations of students. 1990, Retrieved February 4, 2019 .
  10. Klaus Rohrberg: Sports sociology and sports practice - thoughts on the role of sports sociology in the development of recreational sports in the former GDR . In: Jürgen Dieckert, Ursel Petersen, Bero Rigauer, Bernhard Schmücker (eds.): Sportwissenschaft im Dialog . Meyer & Meyer, Aachen 1993, ISBN 3-89124-139-9 , pp. 146-149 .
  11. Rohrberg, Klaus: "Nachholende Modernisierung" and popular sport development in the east a critical consideration of the social changes and their reforms in popular sport based on the "universals" of the modernization theory. In: katalog.fh-zwickau.de. Retrieved February 4, 2019 .
  12. ^ Klaus Rohrberg: Individualization and Sport. Or: the privatized individuals in sport? In: Contributions to sports history, No. 9 / 1999. Retrieved on February 5, 2019 .
  13. SportZeiten. Sport in Geschichte, Kultur und Gesellschaft 7 (2007), February 3 , 2019, accessed on February 4, 2019 .
  14. Letters to the editor to ROTFUCHS. In: ROTFUCHS / August 2006. Retrieved on February 5, 2019 .