Small sand desert

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Basic data
Geographic location : 25 °  S , 122 °  E Coordinates: 25 °  S , 122 °  E
Surface: 111,500 km²
Annual rainfall: 150 - 250 mm
daily maximum temperature:
30 ° C
IBRA 6.1 Little Sandy Desert.png
Australian deserts
Small sand desert and the Canning Stock Route
Small sand desert at Durba Spring

The Little Sandy Desert (Engl. Little Sandy Desert ) is a desert in the state of Western Australia , the south of the Great Sandy Desert and west of the Gibson Desert is located. It covers an area of ​​111,500 km² in western Australia.


This small sandy desert is directly connected to the large sandy desert and got its name from the fact that the vegetation and fauna are similar. The desert area has numerous dune fields and mountains made of red sandstone . The climate is arid and rain only falls in summer. When it rains, the water flows into Lake Disappointment . There are other small lakes that are drying up.

Most of the land is Aboriginal and sparsely populated; there is no settlement in the desert region. Newman (Mundiwindi) is located on the edge of the desert in the west of the Pilbara region .

The Canning Stock Route leads through the desert , which is only accessible with all-wheel-drive vehicles. The Rudall River National Park is also located in this desert area and some mines are operated.

Flora and fauna

Mainly sweet grasses grow , there are 670 species of plants and 220 species of birds, such as parrots . Short-headed gliders , thresher , kangaroos , bats , bearded dragons and lizards live in Little Sandy Desert Park and 11 species of waterfowl have been counted on the Rudall River.

In the desert mainly sweet grass grows and banksia and casuarina plants and spring flowers grow after a rain.


  1. : Desert , in English, accessed February 27, 2013

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