Konrad I. von Morsbach

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Konrad I von Morsbach († January 13, 1171 ) was Prince-Bishop of Eichstätt from 1153 to 1171.


According to an abbot catalog from the first half of the 16th century, Konrad I. von Morsbach was an abbot of the Wülzburg monastery , but he is not documented as such in documents. Before his time as abbot he should have belonged to the Speyer cathedral chapter according to a Speyer necrology . Morsbach is assumed to be the eponymous town , today a district of Titting in the Upper Bavarian district of Eichstätt . The von Morsbach family was a ministerial family from Eichstätt (see also the list of Bavarian noble families # M ).

Konrad I. von Morsbach owed his elevation to Bishop Friedrich Barbarossa . As his follower, he accompanied him on numerous trips. He was also present at his wedding to Beatrix of Burgundy in 1156 in Würzburg. He also accompanied him on his second journey to Italy in 1158. For his services, Friedrich gave him the Rebdorf estate . Konrad I founded an Augustinian canon monastery here . This own church strengthened the position of the Eichstatt bishops considerably. Since Konrad I gave it to the Eichstätter cathedral chapter, a conflict broke out under his successor Egelolf . Conrad I was buried in front of the high altar of the Rebdorf collegiate church, his grave has not been preserved.


  • Alfred Wendehorst : The diocese of Eichstätt. Volume 1: The series of bishops until 1535 (= Germania sacra. The Church of the Old Kingdom and its institutions. New series 45.). de Gruyter, Berlin a. a. 2006, ISBN 3-11-018971-2 , pp. 81-84.
predecessor Office successor
Burchard Bishop of Eichstätt