Konrad Nikolaus Kleiner

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Konrad Nikolaus Kleiner (born January 29, 1953 in Donnerskirchen ) is an Austrian sports scientist .

Opening of the Hans Groll conference at the University Sports Center of the University of Vienna
Konrad Nikolaus Kleiner on tour in the Caucasus

Life and education

Kleiner was born in Donnerskirchen, the second of four children of Rudolf (* 1925) and Ernestine, née Förstl (* 1927). He completed his Matura at the Music and Pedagogical Realgymnasium in Eisenstadt and enrolled in 1971 at the Philosophical Faculty of the University of Vienna "Biology and Earth Sciences" and at the same time " Physical Exercise (Sport)" as major subjects. In 1976 he applied for the position of a study assistant at the Institute for Sport Science, Department of Pedagogy of Physical Exercise with Raimund Sobotka. He took the career point on, joined in the same year his master's studies with the graduation (Mag.rer.nat. Et Mag. Phil.) And was then appointed university assistant at the Institute for Sports Science.

In 1981 he received his doctorate from the University of Vienna (Dr. phil.) With the dissertation analysis of the teaching of physical exercises. Examination of verbal and non-verbal communication as well as lesson-related attitudes and behavior . At the beginning of the school year 1981 he entered the school service (Bundesgymnasium and Bundesrealgymnasium, Auf der Schmelz, Vienna) and completed the probationary year in the subjects of biology and physical education while working at the Institute for Sports Science. In 1988 he was awarded the DAAD scholarship for the Federal Republic of Germany with the project title Value Systems of the Body , which took him to the university locations in Paderborn ( Wolf-Dietrich Brettschneider ), to Heidelberg (Hermann Rieder; Udo Hanke; Gerhard Treutlein), to the Laborschule Bielefeld (Jürgen Funke) and to the German University of Administrative Sciences Speyer ( Helmut Klages ).

In 1999 habilitated Konrad Kleiner at the University of Vienna with the habilitation Empirical values research in sport and perspectives of values education in physical education under conditions of pluralism: dissolving oneself in diversity and the habilitation colloquium on Everything remains different. To take stock of theories in sports education: Is practice waiting for a new theory? . Subsequently, he was awarded the license to teach (venia docendi) for "movement and sport pedagogy" at the Faculty of Basic and Integrative Science of the University of Vienna (Zl: K63 / 16; from December 7, 1999) and on March 1, 2000 the official title " Ao. University Professor ”(Federal Law Gazette No. 333, § 172b) and, on October 1, 1999, the head of the Sports Education Department at the Institute for Sports Science at the University of Wen was transferred until the appointment was made (GZ 235.287 / 1-I / A / 1/99).

From 1981 he was a permanent member of the institute conference and the study commission at the Institute for Sport Science, head of the working group for the development of the curriculum for students of the teaching post "Exercise and Sport" according to UniStG'97, member of the faculty commission for the establishment of the study regulations for the teaching post, Chairman of the study commission, head of training for supervisors in the subject of exercise and sport and member of the curriculum commission of the BM: UK for the development of the curriculum for the subject physical exercise for the 9th-13th School level as well as specialist advisor of the cross-school project Lehrzielbank-Leibesübungen (1983) for the vocational school system (BMUK, Ab. 25).

Konrad Kleiner completed guest stays and guest lectures at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main, at the University of Kassel (Robert Prohl), at the Institute for Sports Science at the University of Hanover, took on the substitute professorship for Stefan Großering, and lectured at the University of Education in Vienna (Strebersdorf, Krems) and the veterinary medicine of the University of Vienna (2005–2009). He was a founding member and chairman of the section “Research in Sports Education” in the Austrian Sports Science Society (ÖSG), head of the Sports Education Section in the Austrian Sports Science Society (1986–2009), President of the Austrian Sports Science Society (2007–2009) and head of the ÖSG Conference on "Truth in Times of Knowledge. Principles, standards, values ​​in sport and in sport science "(2008, Vienna), board member of" Sportmeet - for a United World "(Lecture: UN Office, Genève, Palais des Nation, 2005, on the topic: Sport: universal instrument for development and peace building), head of study program at the Institute for Sports Science, chairman of the Austrian Society for Specialized Didactics of Movement and Sport in the Austrian Society for Specialized Didactics (ÖGfFD) and is a full member of the ethics committee of NADA Austria (National Anti-Doping Agency Austria).

He has been retired since 2018.

Projects (selection)

  • FWF - Fund for the Promotion of Scientific Research -Project (P06342-SOZ): "Analysis of societal-cultural and body-centered value orientations" (1991).
  • EU project "HEALTH (a) WARE" : The project was implemented as a health project as part of the Life Long Learning Program (LLP) [project number: 128737-CP-1-2006-1-DE-Comenius-C21] in cooperation with the universities of Berlin, Madrid, Oslo, Poznan, Prague and Vienna. carried out.
  • EU project "HEPE - Health and Physical Education" : The EU project was developed and implemented as a network project of European schools together with the university cities of Madrid, Oslo, Vienna and Berlin.
  • EU project "HELLP - Health as al Lifelong Learning Process" . The EU project was approved as a “European Health Module for teaching PE students at university” and carried out in cooperation with Madrid, Vienna, Poznan, Potsdam and Berlin.
  • Project for doping prevention together with NADA Austria
  • Project to evaluate the " daily exercise and sports unit in the model region Burgenland " (client: Federal Ministry for National Defense and Sport (BMLVS) in the period (2017–2018).
  • Project " PIN-BEG - Prospective Intervention Study and Resource Analysis " in cooperation with the Burgenland University of Education (2016–2018).
  • Project: Adalbert Slama (2005)
  • Eye movements (mobile eye tracking ) as an element of sports didactic teaching and learning research (2012–2018).
  • Classroom research projects on "abstinence from sport and refusal to exercise" by children and adolescents.

Removed, as not documented with individual evidence (s)


  • ÖSG - Austrian Sports Science Society
  • dvs - German Association for Sports Science
  • DGfE - German Society for Educational Science
  • ÖAGG - Austrian working group for group therapy and group dynamics
  • DGTA - German Society for Transaction Analysis (EATA, ITAA)
  • ÖfS - Austrian Forum System Constellations
  • ÖFEB - Austrian Society for Research and Development in Education
  • IGSP - International Society for Practical School Professionalization

Fonts (selection)

  • Contours of time and time didactics. For orchestrating teaching and learning time in movement and sport . In: Reinhold Esterbauer, Andrea Paletta, Julia Meer (Ed.): The body and its time. Temporal processes of the body and their dysregulations in burnout and other body experiences . Karl Alber, Freiburg / Munich 2019, ISBN 978-3-495-48965-9 , pp. 227-272 .
  • Konrad Kleiner (2018). Mnemosyne: Traces of remembering and not forgetting (sports) educational body discipline. In F. Bockrath & K. Schulz (eds.), Strength, Body and Gender. Reflective sports science; Vol. 7. (pp. 243-266). Berlin: Lehmanns Verlag. ISBN 978-3-86541-967-5 .
  • Konrad Kleiner, Brigitta Höger, Clemens Berthold & Lukas Stocker (2018). PINBEG - Prospective intervention study and resource analysis on exercise, nutritional and health skills among pupils in the 1st to 4th grades at elementary schools in Burgenland. Vienna.
  • Konrad Kleiner, Johannes Stögerer & Brigitta Höger (2016). Identifying patterns in eye-tracking scanpaths to support teachers 'and novices' ability to notice classroom and motor sequence learning. 21th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, 6th-9th July 2016 (p. 492). European College of Sport Science. Vienna-Austria. ISBN 978-3-00-053383-9
  • Konrad Kleiner & David Müller (2015). Doping and (technical) didactic considerations. In A. Dresen, L. Form & R. Brand (Eds.), Handbuch Dopingforschung. Contributions to teaching and research in sport, vol. 187 (pp. 147-164). Schorndorf: Verlag Karl Hofmann. ISBN 978-3-7780-4870-2 .
  • Konrad Kleiner (ed.). (2012). Subject didactics "Exercise and Sport" in context. Between orientation and positioning. Purkersdorf. Hollinek Brothers Publishing House. ISBN 978-3-85119-335-0 )
  • Konrad Kleiner (ed.). (2007). Staging, differentiating, reflecting. Ways of sports didactic competence . Purkersdorf: Verlag Hollinek brothers. ISBN 978-3-85119-307-7 .
  • Konrad Kleiner (2005). Adalbert Slama. In St. Großering, W. Recla & K. Kleiner (Eds.), Pioneers of Sports Science (pp. 245-352). Purkersdorf: Verlag Hollinek Brothers ISBN 3-85119-304-0 ).
  • Konrad Kleiner (2000). Preference and Structure of Values ​​of Students at Austrian High Schools and the Influence of Sports on that Value System. Bulletin: School of Physical Education, Tokai University, 30, 1, 1-14.
  • Konrad Kleiner (ed.). (1989). Educational Research in Sport: Genesis Analysis Perspectives. Vienna: Rerosch + bailiff.
  • Konrad Kleiner (editor). (1989). Viennese contributions to sports science. (Scientific Society for Physical Education and Sport in Vienna, Vol. 7). Vienna.
  • Editor-in-chief and editorial board member of the magazine "Bewegungserbildung" or "Bewegungs und Sport" in the period 2001–2017. (ISS: 1726-43754).

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