Konrad Otto-Zimmermann

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Konrad Otto-Zimmermann (2010)

Konrad Otto Zimmermann (born January 9, 1951 in Detmold ) is a German environmental planner and administrative scientist .


Konrad Otto-Zimmermann b. Otto is the son of the editor Gustav Otto and the medical doctor Hanna Otto. He is married to Monika Zimmermann and has three daughters.

education and profession

After graduating from high school in Detmold in 1969, Otto-Zimmermann completed his studies in architecture with a focus on urban, regional and state planning at the Technical University of Hanover and graduated with a degree in engineering. At the end of his postgraduate studies in administrative sciences, the University of Administrative Sciences in Speyer awarded him the Magister rerum publicarum.

In 1977 Otto-Zimmermann joined the Federal Environment Agency as a scientific employee and became head of the "Environmental Planning" department. In 1985 he switched to the Black Forest environmental project in Freiburg and the municipal development Baden-Württemberg GmbH in Stuttgart as project manager. In 1987 he was appointed head of the environmental planning and nature conservation department of the environmental protection agency in Freiburg im Breisgau. In 1992, as Deputy Secretary General of the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives ( ICLEI ), he took over the management of its European Secretariat in Freiburg. Until 2012, Otto-Zimmermann was General Secretary of ICLEIs and headed the world association, which has been called "ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability" since 2003, from the World Secretariat in Bonn.


Konrad Otto founded the nature conservation association "Eidechse" in Detmold as a primary school student. Konrad Otto was a co-founder of the Citizens' Initiative Environmental Protection e. V. with its environmental protection center in Hanover and member of the executive board from 1969 to 1976. Otto founded the Landesverband Bürgerinitiativen Umwelt eV (LBU) Niedersachsen e. V. based in Hanover and was its chairman from 1975 to 1977. From 1972 to 1978 Otto was a board member of the Federal Association of Citizens' Initiatives Environmental Protection (BBU) e. V. based in Karlsruhe. From 1973 to 1976 Otto was an advisory member of the council committee for environmental protection and green spaces of the state capital Hanover. From 1973 to 1976 Otto was a member of the advisory board of the Senator for Urban Development and Environmental Protection Berlin.


  • Ecological building : During his time at the Federal Environment Agency, Konrad Otto-Zimmermann started a program to promote environmentally friendly and energy-efficient building and coined the term ecological building through the "Ecological Building" manual that he initiated and published by Dirk Althaus, Ingo Gabriel and Per Krusche.
  • Environment communal : Otto-Zimmermann founded the information service "Environment Communal" (today: Environment Communal Ecological Letters) and headed the editorial department from 1986 to 1987
  • Environmental association : Konrad Otto-Zimmermann is the originator of the term and concept environmental association , which soon became the predominant paradigm in urban transport planning (see publications 1986 and 1989).
  • Bicycle-friendly city : Otto Zimmermann initiated the model project bicycle-friendly city at the Federal Environment Agency in 1978 and thus introduced this term, founded an advisory group as a national round table on bicycle funding, and led the creation of the federal government's first bicycle funding program through an inter-ministerial working group.
  • ökoBUDGET : In 1986 Otto-Zimmermann founded the concept of the communal natural economy economy, whose method, known as ökoBUDGET, was developed ready for use by teams led by his colleagues Christoph Erdmenger and Holger Robrecht at ICLEI.
  • Local Agenda 21 : After the Earth Summit in Rio in 1992, Konrad Otto-Zimmermann conceived the Local Agenda 21 movement in Europe. Together with Albrecht Hoffmann, he wrote the draft of the Aalborg Charter , which was adopted by European municipalities in Aalborg (Denmark) in 1994 and has meanwhile been signed by more than 2,400 municipalities. Together with his wife Monika Zimmermann and the city of Aalborg, he led the organization of the first European conference for sustainable cities and municipalities, at which the European Sustainable Cities & Towns Campaign was launched. Under his leadership, the European Local Agenda 21 Planning Guide was created, first published in 1995 and then published in 18 languages.
  • EcoMobility : In 2007 Otto-Zimmermann initiated the Global Alliance for EcoMobility to promote environmentally friendly modes of transport (walking, cycling, public transport) in city traffic and to reduce dependence on private cars.



Series of publications, magazines
  • Konrad Otto (Hrsg.): Book series contributions to environmental policy and environmental planning . Müller, Karlsruhe 1974–1977
  • Konrad Otto-Zimmermann and M. Zimmermann (eds.): Velo book series , Bauverlag, Wiesbaden 1984–1986
Individual publications
  • Konrad Otto: Urban development planning - problems, organization, methods, instruments . Hanover 1973
  • Konrad Otto: Umweltadvokat - a contribution to the institutionalization of communal environmental protection . Hanover 1974
  • Konrad Otto: Environmental protection overwhelms cities . In: Environment - Research, Design, Protection . 5/1975
  • Konrad Otto: Environmental policy of the cities, materials on the environmental policy of large and medium-sized cities on the basis of surveys . Karlsruhe 1976
  • Konrad Otto: Citizen participation in environmental protection . In: The Democratic Community . 4/1976 and 5/1976
  • Konrad Otto, M. Fikke and H. Monheim: The bicycle in the city . Berlin 1980
  • Konrad Otto: Energy and ecology under the aspect of bicycle use . In: Research City Traffic, special series issue 9 . Federal Ministry of Transport, Bonn-Bad Godesberg 1981
  • Konrad Otto: Introduction to: D. Althaus, I. Gabriel and P. Krusche: Ecological building . ed. from the Federal Environment Agency, Wiesbaden 1982
  • Konrad Otto: Ecological Building - Location . In: The Architect . 12/1982
  • Konrad Otto: Bicycle and Environment. Program for environmental relief by promoting bicycle traffic . ed. from the Federal Minister of the Interior, Bonn 1983
  • Konrad Otto: Policies to Promote the Use of Bicycles as a Means to Reduce Pollution . In: PTRC Summer Annual Meeting 1983 . Congress Report, London 1983
  • Konrad Otto-Zimmermann: The role of bicycle traffic in the 80s . In: The town hall . 2/1983 and 3/1983
  • Konrad Otto-Zimmermann: Environmental Association in Local Transport . In: Association of Cities and Municipalities . Volume 2, 1986, pp. 55-62
  • Konrad Otto-Zimmermann: Communal action plan for industry and commerce . Stuttgart 1986
  • Konrad Otto: Building with nature. Ecological building - a challenge and an opportunity for municipalities . In: Kommunalpolitische Blätter . Volume 6, 1986, pp. 450ff.
  • Konrad Otto-Zimmermann: Plea for a communal natural economy . In: The district . 6/1987
  • K.-H. Hübler and Konrad Otto-Zimmermann (eds.): EIA environmental impact assessment . Taunusstein 1989
  • K.-H. Hübler and Konrad Otto-Zimmermann (ed.): Assessment of environmental compatibility. Assessment standards and assessment procedures . Taunusstein 1989, therein: Evaluation of the environmental impact. Introduction ; Examples of applied evaluation methods
  • Konrad Otto-Zimmermann, I. Eisenbraun, S. Häring and P. Menzel: Municipal Environmental Impact Assessment (UVP) . Stuttgart 1989
  • Konrad Otto-Zimmermann: The bicycle in the environmental network. Reorganized transport infrastructure and the bicycle in conjunction with trains and buses . ADFC conference "The bicycle as an economic factor", Münster, 23 August 1989
  • Konrad Otto-Zimmermann (Ed.): Environmental Impact Assessment in Local Government . Cologne 1990, in it: The short “history” of the communal EIA ; The relationship between statutory and voluntary municipal EIA ; Work steps for carrying out environmental impact assessments
  • W. DuBois and Konrad Otto-Zimmermann (eds.): Environmental data in municipal practice . Taunusstein 1991
  • Konrad Otto-Zimmermann (Ed.), Nicky Hewitt (Author): European Local Agenda 21 Planning Guide. How to engage in long-term environmental action planning towards sustainability . ICLEI European Secretariat, Freiburg i. Br. 1995
  • Konrad Otto-Zimmermann (Ed.): Environmental Management Instruments for Local Authorities. A Guide for Local Authorities . ICLEI European Secretariat, Freiburg i.Br. 1998

Web links