Kori Udovički

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Kori Udovički (May 2014)

Kori Udovički (born December 4, 1961 in La Paz , Bolivia ) is a Serbian politician .


Udovički was born as the daughter of the Yugoslav politician Lazar Udovički and the sister of the Bolivian politician Gonzalo Sánchez de Lozada during his tenure as Yugoslav ambassador to Bolivia. Her sister Lenka Udovički is the theater director and married to Rade Šerbedžija .

Udovički studied economics at the University of Belgrade , where she graduated in 1984. She later studied at Yale University , where she received her Ph.D. Degree. From 1993 she worked for the International Monetary Fund , in 2001 she returned to Serbia and worked for the Ministry of Finance. In June 2002, Prime Minister Zoran Đinđić appointed her to his cabinet as Minister of Mines and Energy, and in July 2003 she moved to the top of the National Bank of Serbia as governor . In February of the following year, the National Assembly elected Radovan Jelašić as its successor.

In 2004, Udovički founded the non-governmental organization Center for Advanced Economic Studies (CEVES) in Belgrade , which is dedicated to promoting economic research and education in Southeastern Europe. In 2007 she moved to the United Nations until 2012 , where she worked as Associate Secretary General and as Director of the Regional Office of the United Nations Development Program for Europe and the CIS.

In April 2014 Udovički returned to government responsibility in Serbia when she took over the Ministry of Economic Affairs in the cabinet of Aleksandar Vučić after the parliamentary elections in Serbia in 2014 . At the same time she became Deputy Prime Minister. After the parliamentary elections in Serbia in 2016 , the cabinet was partially restructured, as a result of which it was succeeded by Ana Brnabić as Minister and Nebojša Stefanović as Deputy Prime Minister.

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