Power gathering point

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A power collection point (KSST) is in the tactics of the police one of the staging area comparable place to which emergency personnel before the start of a major police operation at the head of operations - with very large stakes in police leaders - Report and are available for the distribution of tasks and for a short meeting.

Choice of location: The locations are usually close to the deployment site and are determined based on orders or, in the case of ad hoc situations, by radio. However, a sufficient spatial distance must be maintained in the operative area (e.g. raids ), which takes into account the interests of self-protection and / or the risk of discovery.

In the case of large areas, collected registration forms provide an overview of the strength ; depending on the size or importance, a workforce collection point is formed. In the case of closed units, not every emergency worker reports, only their unit leader.

As with all assembly points where ad hoc emergency services meet, a disorderly parking of emergency vehicles and a mess of reporting channels can be observed almost regularly . This shows a lack of coordination on the part of leadership as well as a lack of practice.

Other police collection points are, for example, the witness collection point and the press collection point , which are only established for large-scale operations.