Crown bellows fish

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Crown bellows fish
Notopogon lilliei.jpg

Crowned bellows fish ( Notopogon lilliei )

Perch relatives (Percomorphaceae)
Order : Pipefish (Syngnathiformes)
Family : Snipefish (Centriscidae)
Subfamily : Bellows fish (Macroramphosinae)
Genre : Notopogon
Type : Crown bellows fish
Scientific name
Notopogon lilliei
Regan , 1914

The Crown bellows fish ( Notopogon lilliei ) is a small sea fish from the group of Seenadel-like . It occurs in moderately tempered seas in the southern hemisphere. Fish of this species have so far been detected in the southwestern Pacific near Australia and New Zealand and in the south Atlantic near Tristan da Cunha and Gough Island . A single specimen was found on the coast of KwaZulu-Natal .


The crowned bellows fish can reach a maximum length of 27 centimeters. Its body is high back and almost round. Together with the head, which ends in a long, tubular mouth, the result is a bellows- like shape. Young fish are higher back than the adult fish, whose back profile becomes flatter with increasing age. The first dorsal fin is supported by seven spines, the first of which is significantly elongated. A difference to the orange bellows fish ( Notopogon xenosoma ) is that this fin spine is much shorter than the length of the tube mouth . The second dorsal fin and the anal fin are approximately symmetrically opposite each other above and below the tail fin stalk. This dorsal fin is supported by 14 to 15 soft rays, the anal fin has 17 to 19 soft rays.

Way of life

Crowned bellows fish live above the shelf of continents and islands at depths of 80 to 600 meters, mostly between 150 and 300 meters. They likely feed on small, planktonic crustaceans . Their way of life is largely unknown.


Web links

Commons : Notopogon lilliei  - collection of images, videos and audio files