Crustball relatives

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Crustball relatives
Hypomyces chrysospermus

Hypomyces chrysospermus

Department : Ascomycota mushrooms
Subdivision : Real ascent mushrooms (Pezizomycotina)
Class : Sordariomycetes
Subclass : Hypocreomycetidae
Order : Crust ball mushrooms (Hypocreales)
Family : Crustball relatives
Scientific name
De Not. (1844)

The crust ball relatives ( Hypocreaceae ) are a family within the class of the Sordariomycetes . The types of crustball relatives are usually recognized by their brightly colored perithecal fruiting bodies , which are typically yellow, orange or red. The family was proposed by Giuseppe De Notaris in 1844 . According to the Dictionary of the Fungi (10th edition 2008) it comprises 22 genera and 454 species.


The crustball relatives usually form a reduced stroma - the tissue in which the actual fruiting bodies are embedded. It is shield-shaped or completely absent. The fruiting bodies, the perithecia, are thin-walled with a wart-shaped opening, the ostiolum , which is sometimes covered with hairs ( periphyses ). The tissue between the tubes consists of thin-walled paraphyses . The tubes themselves are cylindrical, also thin-walled, durable and with a small apical ring that can be stained with iodine or not. The spores are shaped differently, translucent to pale brown, they are simply or horizontally septate . Sometimes they are thick-walled, sometimes in a slimy sheath.


The relatives of the crust ball mushroom are found worldwide. They live saprobically on plant-based, woody or unlignified material

Taxonomy and systematics

The type genus is Hypocrea Fr. (1825).

Recognized genera:

Other genres are only synonyms. It has long been clear that the species of the genus Podostroma with their stalked fruiting bodies actually belong to the genus Hypocrea . In the case of the genus Hypocrea it was even more confusing, because the genus mainly contained the main fruit forms of the genus Trichoderma , which described the same species but the secondary fruit forms . Hence there were two valid names for many species. At the congress of the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature (ICBN) in Melbourne in 2011 it was decided that since January 1, 2013 only the name of the main fruit form is valid for all mushrooms, so the valid name would actually be Hypocrea . Due to the dominant use of the generic name Trichoderma , however, it was decided to keep the name as a noun conservandum , which is to be preserved compared to the teleomorphic genus Hypocrea . This means that all species that have both a Hypocrea and a Trichoderma name are officially listed under their Trichoderma names, and that every species, including the former Podostroma species, and also those exclusively known as Hypocrea has been transferred to the genus Trichoderma .

Individual evidence

  1. Osservazione su alcuni generi e specie della tribu dei Pirenomiceti sferiacei . In: Giornale botanico Italiano . 2, 1844, pp. 38-55.
  2. PM Kirk, PF Cannon, DW Minter, JA Stalpers: Dictionary of the Fungi , 10th edition, CAB International, Wallingford, UK 2008, ISBN 978-0-85199-826-8 .
  3. ^ A b Paul F. Cannon, Paul M. Kirk: Fungal families of the world . CABI Europe, Wallingford, Oxfordshire (UK) 2007, ISBN 978-0-85199-827-5 , pp. 170 f . ( available online ).
  4. Nalin N. Wijayawardene, Kevin D. Hyde, H. Thorsten Lumbsch, Jian Kui Liu, Sajeewa SN Maharachchikumbura, Anusha H. Ekanayaka, Qing Tian, ​​Rungtiwa Phookamsak: Outline of Ascomycota: 2017 . In: Fungal Diversity . tape 88 , 2018, p. 167-263 , doi : 10.1007 / s13225-018-0394-8 .
  5. Ulvinen, Tauno & Chamberlain, Holly L. & Rossman, Amy Y. & Stewart, Elwin L. & Samuels, Gary J .: The stipitate species of Hypocrea (Hypocreales, Hypocreaceae) including Podostroma . In: Karstenia . tape 24 , no. 1-2 , 2004, pp. 1-24 , doi : 10.29203 / ka.2004.395 .
  6. Bissett J., Gams W., Jaklitsch WM, Gary J Samuels: Accepted Trichoderma names in the year 2015. In: IMA Fungus . tape 6 , 2015, p. 263–295 , doi : 10.5598 / imafungus . 06/02/02/2015 ( ).
  7. Barbara Robbertse, Pooja K Strope, Priscila Chaverri, Romina Gazis, Stacy Ciufo, Michael Domrachev, and Conrad L Schoch: Improving taxonomic accuracy for fungi in public sequence databases: applying 'one name one species' in well-defined genera with Trichoderma / Hypocrea as a test case . In: Database (Oxford). 2017; 2017: bax072. 2017, p. bax072 , doi : 10.1093 / database / bax072 .

Web links

Commons : Crustacean Mushroom Relatives (Hypocreaceae)  - Collection of images, videos, and audio files