Krzysztof Łoziński

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Krzysztof Łoziński (2017)

Krzysztof Łoziński (born July 16, 1948 in Warsaw ) is a Polish writer , publicist , mountaineer , master and teacher of Eastern martial arts , anti-communist opposition activist in the People's Republic of Poland , co-founder of the Committee for the Defense of Democracy (KOD).

His father Jerzy Łoziński (* 1920) was an architect, his mother Danuta a doctor. In 1967 he graduated from the Czacki Lyceum in Warsaw. From 1967 to 1968 and from 1970 to 1976 he studied mathematics at the University of Warsaw . In March 1968, during the March 1968 riots in Poland , he took part in a protest against the cancellation of the theater play Totenfeier (Polish: Dziady ) by the Polish poet Adam Mickiewicz , directed by Kazimierz Dejmek , played in the Warsaw National Theater , and was exmatriculated for it called to military service.

1976–1979 he taught physics at the Emilian Konopczyński vocational college in Warsaw, 1980–1982 he was employed in the workshops of the Warsaw Opera Theater .

In 1976 he became involved in the Committee for the Defense of Workers (KOR), after its dissolution in the Committee for Social Self-Defense KOR. After the founding of " Solidarność " on August 31, 1980, he became chairman of the "Solidarność" union in the opera theater, and headed the working group of theater workers in the Mazovia region of this union. Łoziński took part in preparation for the transition of the region to underground activity in the event of a conflict. 1982–1989 during martial law he led the resistance groups of "Solidarność".

He was arrested on June 8, 1982 and sentenced to 1.5 years in prison on January 20, 1983. He was released in February 1983, but was constantly harassed by the Służba Bezpieczeństwa .

In the late 1980s he visited Afghanistan , India and Singapore . Since 1989 he has worked for Amnesty International . In 2004, together with Stefan Bratkowski , Andrzej W. Pawluczuk and Piotr Rachtan, he founded the bi-monthly publication “Kontrateksty” and later took over its management.

As a mountaineer, he created over sixty new routes in the Tatra Mountains and climbed mountains in the Hindu Kush and the Himalayas . For twenty years he ran a school of kung fu martial arts, the graduates of which won five world championships in the Hung Gar style.

Krzysztof Łoziński is the author of many press articles and books on human rights in Russia, Chechnya and China. Two of his texts caused a scandal: the criticism of Wiesław Binienda and his attack theory of the plane crash near Smolensk , and his call for the formation of the Committee for the Defense of Democracy (KOD). Łozinski was one of the 21 founding members of the committee appointed on December 2, 2015.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Encyklopedia Solidarności
  2. Studio opinii - Biography
  3. Kontrateksty
  4. Binienda
  5. Studio opinii - KOD