Krzysztof Baranowski (sailor)

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Krzysztof Baranowski on the Fryderyk Chopin (2011)

Krzysztof Baranowski (born June 26, 1938 in Lemberg ) is a Polish journalist , teacher and sailor .


Baranowski spent his childhood in Krakow during the German occupation . After the Second World War , he moved to Breslau with his family in 1946 and attended grammar school there. After graduating from high school in 1955, he studied at the Technical University of Wroclaw , where he graduated in 1961 with an engineering degree. During his studies he hitchhiked across North America from 1959 to 1960. He then studied journalism from 1960 to 1962 at the University of Warsaw . He made his debut as a reporter in 1962 with the report W kuchni , which appeared in Nowa Kultura . In addition, he worked as a journalist in the Trybuna Ludu editorial team from 1962 , where he published popular scientific articles on technical topics and the marine economy, as well as later travel reports. From 1965 to 1966 he took part as a cook on a geographic expedition around South America on the Śmiały yacht . He joined the PZPR in 1968. In 1968 he started working with Morze magazine .

Baranowski became known for his circumnavigations as a solo sailor. He made the first circumnavigation in 1972 and 1973 on his yacht Polonez . He covered 35,424 nautical miles in 272 days and sailed around the Cape of Good Hope and Cape Horn . Start and end point were Plymouth . He made stops in Newport , Cape Town , Hobart ( Tasmania ) and Stanley ( Falkland Islands ).

In 1976 he took part in the Operacja Żagiel in the USA as captain of the Polonez with a cast of students from the Stettin Maritime School. He also sailed in inland waters in North America from 1967 to 1977 and made five documentaries for Telewizja Polska . In 1977 he was admitted to the Union of Polish Writers . He worked for Telewizja Polska from 1978 to 1988.

In the 1980s he was one of the organizers and co-founders of the floating Szkoła pod Żaglami (School under the Sails), during which he was the captain of the Pogoria in 1984, on an experimental voyage to India , Sri Lanka and the Maldives and in 1988 a circumnavigation performed by South America. He founded the Międzynarodowa Szkoła pod Żaglami Foundation in 1989. On the Fryderyk Chopin , he crossed the Atlantic in 1992 during the Columbus Regatta and in 1994 the South Atlantic.

Another circumnavigation of the world on the Lady B. followed from October 2, 1999 to August 30, 2000 , during which he covered 24,000 nautical miles and berthed in 20 ports. This time the start and finish was Vilamoura in Portugal . He is the first Pole to circumnavigate the world twice as a single sailor.


  • Hobo, 1965
  • Kapitan Kuk, 1968
  • Regaty wokół globu, 1971
  • " Polonezem" dookoła świata. Reportaże drukowane w “Trybunie Ludu”, 1973
  • Droga na Horn, 1974
  • Z pokładu "Poloneza", 1974 [1975]
  • Wyścig do Newport, 1976
  • " Polonez" round the world singlehanded, 1977
  • Żaglem po Ameryce, 1978
  • Dom pod żaglami, 1980
  • Praktyka oceaniczna, 1984
  • Szkoła pod żaglami, 1987
  • Zapiski najemnego żeglarza, 1989
  • Samotny żeglarz, 1995
  • Zaczynam żelować , 1998
  • Drugi raz dookoła świata, 2003
  • Zostań Opti-mistrzem, 2004



  • Polish Explorers , Publisher: Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ISBN 83-89175-51-7 , page 55.
  • Anna Hejman: Baranowski Krzysztof . In: Współcześni polscy pisarze i badacze literatury . Tom pierwszy: A – B. Wydawnictwo Szkolne i Pedagogiczne Spółka Akcyjna, Warsaw 1994, ISBN 83-02-05445-3 , p. 97-98 .
  • Barbara Tyszkiewicz: Baranowski Krzysztof . In: Współcześni polscy pisarze i badacze literatury . Tom dziesiąty: Ż i uzupełnienia do tomów 1–9. Fundacja Akademia Humanistyczna, Warsaw 2007, ISBN 978-83-8934894-4 , p. 121 .

Web links

Commons : Krzysztof Baranowski  - collection of images, videos and audio files