Kurt ailing

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Kurt Marode (born October 10, 1909 in Berlin ; † June 29, 1979 there ) was a German politician ( SPD ).

Kurt Marode attended primary school and trained as a toolmaker and locksmith . In 1925 he joined the SPD. Among other things, he also worked at the Borsigwerke in Berlin-Tegel . In 1943 he was drafted into the army and in 1945 he was taken prisoner of war .

After the Second World War , Marode worked for the Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe (BVG). In the Berlin election in 1954 , he was elected to the district assembly in the Wedding district. In the following election in 1958 Marode was for a legislative session in the Berlin House of Representatives voted. Then he was again a district councilor in Wedding.
