Tripe Daddeldu

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Cover of the 1920 edition

Kuttel Daddeldu is a fictional character published in 1920 by the poet Joachim Ringelnatz .

The original

Daddeldu is a sailor's word for after work and sleep, borrowed from English: "That'll do" for "Nu 'is' aber ma' end!"

The grumpy sailor Kuttel Daddeldu appeared for the first time in the poem Vom Seemann Kuttel Daddeldu and was the main character in his volume of poems Kuttel Daddeldu or The Slippery Suffering in 1920 . In this work, the fur seal appeared in partially black-humored ballads and moritats , with which Ringelnatz also appeared on the cabaret stage in the 1920s and 1930s.

1931 appeared in the song cycle "Bänkerl und Balladen" by the composer Wilhelm Grosz "The Ballade Vom Seemann Kuttel-Daddeldu", for which Ringelnatz had written the text.

Ringelnatz wrote other texts about him in the 1920s. Triplet Daddeldu became popular, he and Ringelnatz gained fame. That changed with the Nazi performance ban, which Ringelnatz hits hard. He died sick and impoverished in Berlin in 1934.

The GDR Kuddeldaddeldu

Kuttel Daddeldu , memorial to the book burning on the Bonn market square

In 1963, Hans Krause , cabaret writer in Berlin and head of the Distel cabaret , brought the seaman back to life and brought him to the GDR two years later. The first socialist Kuddeldaddeldu premiered in 1965 in the party newspaper Neues Deutschland . The Distel cabaret artist Heinz Draehn (1921-2010) portrayed him on stage throughout his life. The spelling "Kuddel" instead of "Kuttel" was originally a misprint in the Distel program booklet - it will be retained without further ado.

Krause writes almost 400 texts for the "agitation sailor with a fool's cap", as state and party leader Erich Honecker called him. From 1971 Kuddel appeared on radio and television, for example in Klock 8, Stern Strom and Ein Kessel Buntes . Krauses Kuddel had two faces: the cheeky fur seal and the praising greetings uncle. The latter was welcome at party conferences, the birthdays of the Republic, elections for the People's Chamber or on the 70th birthday of the chief ideologist Kurt Hager . The course changed in 1987: Krause Kuddel learned to criticize.


  • The poem was set to music by Evelyn Künneke , among others ; Achim Reichel revived the literary figure as Kuddel Daddel Du on his LP Melancholie und Sturmflut . Ringelnatz award winner Achim Amme lets Kuttel Daddeldu in the 2nd part of his Ringelnatz program "Really banned!" come to life.
  • The volume of poems was illustrated by Karl Arnold in a 1923 edition that has been reprinted to this day .
  • In the Low German-speaking area , Kuttel (or Kuddl ) Daddeldu is still used today when talking about a somewhat windy person.


  • Hans Krause: Kuddeldaddeldu and no end . In: Ernst Günther, Heinz P. Hofmann, Walter Rösler (eds.): Cassette. An almanac for the stage, podium and ring (=  cassette ). No. 2 . Henschelverlag Art and Society, Berlin 1978, p. 219-224 .
  • Jürgen Klammer: By the beard of the proletarian. Stories from the Distel cabaret theater in the times of Walter Ulbricht, Erich Honecker and Helmut Kohl. Leipzig 2013, ISBN 978-3-00-043382-5 - therein on pp. 173–180: The socialist Kuddeldaddeldu.
  • Holger Zürch : With a creaking cutter to the grumpy Kuddeldaddeldu. Ringelnatzsommer 2015: Author Jürgen Klammer presents the most popular GDR cabaret figure. Leipziger Volkszeitung, Muldental edition, August 10, 2015.
  • Joachim Ringelnatz: Kuttel Daddeldu tells his children the fairy tale of Little Red Riding Hood and even draws them something about it . Reprint of the manuscript with the set text to fold out, on the occasion of the 100th birthday of Ringelnatz on August 7, 1983 and the 50th anniversary of his death on November 16, 1984, Karl Heinz Henssel Verlag, Berlin 1983, ISBN 3-87329-129-0 .

Web links

Wikisource: Kuttel-Daddeldu  - Sources and full texts

Individual evidence

  1. Banks and Ballads, Op.31 on the International Music Score Library Project .
  2. Holger Zürch: With a creaking cutter to the grumpy Kuddeldaddeldu. Ringelnatzsommer 2015: Author Jürgen Klammer presents the most popular GDR cabaret figure. In: Leipziger Volkszeitung, Muldental edition, August 10, 2015, p. 25