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Labdakos ( ancient Greek Λάβδακος ) was king of Thebes and a grandson of Kadmos . His father was Polydoros , his mother was Nykteis, the daughter of Nykteus , and his son was named Laios .

Since he was not of legal age when his father died, his grandfather Nykteus first ruled for him, who went to war against Epopeus of Sicyon after Epopeus had stolen his daughter Antiope . In this war Nykteus died and his brother Lykos took over the business of government.

When Labdakos was old enough, he took over the government himself. He either died in the course of a war over the border between Thebes and Attica with Pandion or was destroyed by Dionysus because he disregarded the cult. After his death, Lykos had to take over the reign again on an interim basis, as Laios was only one year old.

His descendants Laius, Oedipus , Antigone , Polynices , Eteocles and Ismene are also known as Labdakids .



  1. Herodotus , Historien , 5, 59.
  2. Apollodor , Libraries , 3, 40.
  3. ^ Pausanias , Travels in Greece , 2, 6, 2.
  4. ^ Pausanias, Travels in Greece , 9, 5, 5.
predecessor Office successor
Polydoros King of Thebes
15th century BC Chr.
(Fictional chronology)