Labeobarbus marequensis

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Labeobarbus marequensis
Young fish of Labeobarbus marequensis

Young fish of Labeobarbus marequensis

without rank: Otophysa
Order : Carp-like (Cypriniformes)
Subordination : Carp fish-like (Cyprinoidei)
Family : Carp fish (Cyprinidae)
Genre : Labeobarbus
Type : Labeobarbus marequensis
Scientific name
Labeobarbus marequensis
Smith , 1841

Labeobarbus marequensis , engl. Largescale Yellowfish,also known as Grootskub Geelvisin Afrikaans , is a species of carp that is endemic only to southern Africa .


Labeobarbus marequensis is widespread in southern Africa between latitudes 11 ° S and 27 ° S in the countries of South Africa ( Gauteng , KwaZulu-Natal , Limpopo and Mpumalanga ), Swaziland , Malawi and Mozambique . The fish species occurs in the middle and lower Zambezi , the Kariba Dam , and in the Pongolo river system. L. marequensis prefers flowing waters with year-round water levels and some reservoirs. L. marequensis appears in barrages , but this is not its original habitat. Larger specimens live in deep pools with stony, rocky bottoms.


Labeobarbus marequensis shows great morphological variability. Some populations are very different from one another. Here the taxonomic investigations are not yet fully completed. The fish species is on average about 47 centimeters long and six kilograms in weight.

Way of life

L. marequensis has a wide range of nutrients . It feeds on algae and larvae of aquatic insects and, with increasing size, also on small fish, snails and freshwater clams. Sometimes it also picks up insects that have fallen into the water from the surface. The spawning season takes place in spring. The sexually mature fish migrate up into the rapids in rivers that have risen from rainfall to flood.

Economical meaning

Labeobarbus marequensis is a sport fish for anglers.

Hazardous situation

The construction of dams and the degradation of their natural habitat threaten their existence. The construction of fish ladders and the maintenance of their biotope are measures that have been taken. The species is currently classified as “least concern”.

Notes and individual references

  1. Transl. Large-scaled yellow fish
  2. a b c d e Labeobarbus marequensis on (English)
  3. a b c d
  4. Tweddle and Paul H. Skelton: New species of 'Barbus' and Labeobarbus (Teleostei: Cyprinidae) from the South Rukuru River, Malawi, Africa, South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity, 2007