Ladislav Frýba

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Ladislav Frýba (born May 30, 1929 in Studenec u Horek , Czech Republic ; † January 8, 2019 in Prague ) was a Czech civil engineer and engineering scientist.

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After attending grammar school in Jičín , Frýba studied from 1948 to 1953 at the building faculty of the Czech Technical University in Prague (ČVUT). Under the direction of Vladimír Koloušek (1909–1976), Frýba then worked as a research assistant at the Prague Railway College from 1953 to 1954 with structural dynamics , in particular with bridge vibrations. He then continued this research at the Czechoslovak State Railways until 1984 , most recently as head of bridge construction. In 1956 the doctorate to Dr. of technical sciences (DrSc.) and 10 years later the habilitation . Since 1984 Frýba has worked as a professor and later as a senior researcher at the Institute for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (ASCR) in Prague.

Frýba has published over 200 scientific papers, including his internationally known monographs on the dynamics of bridges and railway bridges, which are available not only in Czech and English, but also in Chinese. He created one of the first computer programs to analyze the dynamics of railway bridges . Frýba created studies for the determination of the braking and starting forces on railway bridges, for the interaction of the track with the bridge as well as statistical distributions of the axle loads and stresses in railway bridges. In addition, he carried out first field measurements for the determination of the reduction values ​​for fatigue. Other topics of Frýba's research include: a. static and dynamic investigations on orthotropic plates for the purpose of determining the fatigue strength and the determination of dynamic effects on high-speed lines that lead to resonance vibrations of railway bridges.

As a linguistically gifted railway researcher - in addition to Czech and English, Frýba also spoke German, French and Russian - he has been active in international technical and scientific collaborative work since 1967: since 1967 as a member and later also as chairman of various expert committees of the Office for Research and Experiments (ORE ), now known as the European Rail Research Institute (ERRI), the testing office of the International Union of Railways UIC (Union International des Chemins de fer). 1972 Member of the Czech Mechanical Society, which Frýba chaired four times between 1991 and 2007. 1995 member of the Academy of Technical Sciences of the Czech Republic. 1996 to 1999 President of the European Association of Structural Dynamics (EASD). 2004 member of the editorial board of the Journal of Sound and Vibration .

A number of Frýba's research results found their way into the UIC leaflets, the European pre-standards ENV 1991-3 and ENV 1993-2 as well as the Czech standards set ČSN. Therefore, he also took over the edition of the special issue of the steel construction magazine "Steel Railway Bridges" and made himself available as co-editor of the special issue "Steel construction in the Czech and Slovak Republics" of the same magazine.

Frýba was also active in the field of engineering biographies. He encouraged Klaus Knothe to do a lot of work on railway researchers and supported Karl-Eugen Kurrer in his monographs on the history of structural engineering with material on Czech scientists of structural engineering, structural mechanics and structural engineering: Zdeněk Bažant (1879–1954), Václav Dašek , František Faltus , Vladimír Koloušek and Josef Šolín .

For his contributions to building dynamics, Frýba was awarded five medals of honor, two in the Czech Republic and three in Japan. On April 16, 2004, the Faculty of Transportation at Pardubice University awarded him an honorary doctorate.


  • Frýba, Ladislav: Vibration of Solids and Structures under Moving Loads . Groningen: Noordhoff International Publishing 1972.
  • Frýba, Ladislav: Dynamics of Railway Bridges . London: Thomas Telford 1996, ISBN 0-7277-2044-9 .
  • Frýba, Ladislav: Dynamic stresses on railway bridges and their influence on fatigue . In: Stahlbau, 67th vol. (1998), H. 8, pp. 627-633.
  • Frýba, Ladislav: Static, dynamic and fatigue properties of orthotropic plates with flat ribs . In: Stahlbau, vol. 68 (1999), no. 1, pp. 15-23.
  • Frýba, Ladislav; Náprstek, Jiří (Ed.): Structural dynamics: Proceedings of the Fourth European Conference on Structural Dynamics: EURODYN '99 , Prague, Czech Republic, 7–10 June 1999, Vol. 1, Rotterdam: Balkema 1999, ISBN 90-5809- 057-4 .
  • Frýba, Ladislav; Náprstek, Jiří (Ed.): Structural dynamics: Proceedings of the Fourth European Conference on Structural Dynamics: EURODYN '99 , Prague, Czech Republic, 7–10 June 1999, Vol. 2, Rotterdam: Balkema 1999, ISBN 90-5809- 058-2 .
  • Frýba, Ladislav; Urushadze, Shota: Improvement of fatigue properties of orthotropic decks . In: Engineering Structures, 33 (2011), Vol. 3, Issue 4, pp. 1166-1169.


  • Ensner, Kurt; Tschumi, Marcel: Ladislav Frýba 70 years . In: Stahlbau, vol. 68 (1999), no. 6, p. 468.


  1. Ladislav Fryba; engineering educator. Prabook, accessed October 21, 2019 .
  2. ^ Frýba, Ladislav: Vibration of Solids and Structures under Moving Loads . Groningen: Noordhoff International Publishing 1972.
  3. ^ Frýba, Ladislav: Dynamics of Railway Bridges . London: Thomas Telford 1996, ISBN 0-7277-2044-9 .
  4. ^ Frýba, Ladislav: Progress in the construction of steel railway bridges . In: Stahlbau, 67th year (1998), H. 8, p. 611.
  5. Agócs, Zoltán; Frýba, Ladislav; Studnička, Jiřί: Steel construction in the Czech and Slovak Republics . In: Stahlbau, 68th vol. (1999), H. 1, pp. 1–2
  6. ^ Kurrer, Karl-Eugen: History of structural engineering. In search of balance . Berlin: Ernst & Sohn 2016, p. XI, ISBN 978-3-433-03134-6 .
  7. ^ NN: Ladislav Frýba Doctor honoris causa. In: Stahlbau, Volume 73 (2004), No. 7, p. 537.