Lajos Petrik

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Lajos Petrik

Lajos Petrik (or Ludwig von Petrik ; * December 5, 1851 in Ödenburg (Sopron), † May 7, 1932 in Budapest ) was a Hungarian chemist , ceramicist and lecturer in inorganic-chemical technology at the Állami Középipartanoda in Budapest, today's Petrik Lajos Bilingual Vocational School of Chemistry, Environmental Protection and Information. He later became the principal of that school.


Lajos Petrik was born in Sopron as the second child of József Petrik and Amalia Krueg. After he had completed his Abitur there and in Pressburg , he studied at the Technical University of Graz . From 1874 to 1879 he taught the basics of chemical engineering as an assistant to Heinrich Schwarz . In 1880 he was appointed by Ágoston Trefort , Minister of Religion and Public Education, as Professor of Chemistry and Technology at the recently established State Higher Trade School in Budapest. From 1907 to 1914 he was director of this institute.

At this school he began to research the applicability of ceramics and minerals in various industries. His scientific articles have been published in magazines of the Hungarian Geological Society as well as in other local and foreign journals. He was also a co-author of the two largest Hungarian encyclopedias, The Great Pallas Lexicon and The Great Révai Lexicon , on minerals, inorganic chemistry and the history of ceramics.

In 1891 he became a member of the Association of Hungarian Tourists (Hungarian: Magyar Turista Egyesület, MTE), which published a monthly tourist newspaper, the so-called Turisták Lapja . Until 1910 he was editor of the magazine. During this time he climbed many mountains in the Pannonian Basin . He was an active mountaineer in the Southern Carpathians , in the Alps and also in the Fagaras Mountains . As the first to climb the Tschirmer Spitze in 1895, he is one of the pioneers of tourism in the High Tatras . He usually wrote notes about the trips, which were also published along with his panoramic photographs.

Petrik died in Budapest on June 7, 1932. His grave is in the Kerepescher Cemetery in Budapest.


Besides his general knowledge of chemistry, Petrik specialized in the field of silicate chemistry. He conducted experiments in this area and wrote a variety of articles. The Chemisches Zentralblatt published his articles while he was still alive. Due to Petrik's good reputation, the Hungarian specialists were welcomed as guests at various trade and world exhibitions. His first article was in collaboration with geologist János Jakab Mattyasovszky . The title of this work is: The detailed catalog of Hungarian raw materials for the industry of materials, glasses, cement and mineral paints . It was published in large parts of Hungary in 1885 and described the properties of mineral samples.



  • Ivan Chalupecký:  Petrik, Lajos. In: Austrian Biographical Lexicon 1815–1950 (ÖBL). Volume 8, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Vienna 1983, ISBN 3-7001-0187-2 , p. 5.
  • Déry József: Petrik Lajos . In: Turisták Lapja . tape 7-8 , 1927.
  • Jász Géza: Petrik Lajos . In: Turisták Lapja . tape 7-8 , 1932.
  • Grofscik János: Petrik Lajos . In: Építőanyag . tape 2-3 , 1963.
  • Hiller István: Nemzeti bibliográfiánk megteremtőjének és családjának soproni kapcsolatai . In: Soproni Szemle . tape 4 , 1966.
  • Grofscik János, R. Ernő: A magyar finomkerámiaipar története . In: Műszaki Könyvkiadó . 1973.
  • Zsolnay Teréz és Margit, Sikota Győző: Zsolnay . In: Corvina Könyvkiadó . 1974.
  • Polgárdy Géza: Petrik Lajos hegymászó és turista, aki szerkesztő és fényképész is volt . In: Magyar Turista . tape 12 , 2015.
  • Kistarcsai Kalendárium 2016 (published by the Kistarcsa Cultural Association)

Web links

Commons : Lajos Petrik  - Collection of images, videos and audio files