Lamberdus Ostendorp

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Lamberdus Ostendorp (born May 20, 1893 in Collinghorst , † July 1, 1934 in Dresden ) was a German SA leader . He became known as one of the victims of the so-called Röhm Putsch .

Ostendorp had been a member of the SA Feldjägerkorps in Dresden since 1933 with the rank of lieutenant police officer and SA Obersturmführer (in some sources: Obersturmbannführer).

On June 30, 1934 Ostendorp was during the Rohm affair arrested in the early morning hours of July 1 due to one of Reinhard Heydrich signed instruction on the initiative of the Dresden SD chefs Lothar bag in the SS barracks in Dresden Trachenberge with four other people ( Ernst Ewald Martin , Max Schuldt , Otto Pietrzok and Joachim Schroedter ) shot dead by members of the Political Readiness of Saxony.

The reasons for Ostendorp's shooting have not yet been fully clarified. Wawrzinek assumes that belonging to the staff of the Saxon SA group leader Hans Hayn was "decisive".

Ostendorps widow Johanna, née Schneider, received monthly compensation of 150 RM from 1935 .


  • Otto Gritschneder : "The Führer has sentenced you to death ...". Hitler's Röhm Putsch murders in court . CH Beck, Munich 1993.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Bert Wawrzinek: Manfred von Killinger (1886–1944): a political soldier between the Freikorps and the Foreign Office , 2003, p. 206; in the same sense: Karl Martin Grass: Edgar Jung, Papenkreis and Röhmkrise 1933-34 , appendix part, p. 88, attributing Ostendorp to the "surrounding clan" of Hayn.