Lambertus Johannes Toxopeus

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Lambertus Johannes Toxopeus (born September 8, 1894 in Toeban , Djapara-Rembang district, Dutch East Indies ; † April 21, 1951 in Bandung , Java ) was a Dutch entomologist , lepidopterist and plant collector . His main research interests were the butterfly families of the blues (Lycaenidae) and the thick-headed butterflies (Hesperiidae).

Live and act

Toxopeus began collecting butterflies as a teenager. He studied biology with Professor Cornelis Jacob van der Klaauw (1893–1972) at the University of Amsterdam and after completing his master's degree in 1920, he worked as a teacher from 1923. In 1930 he received his doctorate with the dissertation De soort as functie van plaats en tijd, getoetst aan de Lycaenidae van het Australaziatisch gebied to the doctorate and moved back to his homeland Java, where he worked as a teacher in a number of schools. During the Second World War he was a reserve officer responsible for guarding the Semplek airfield near Buitenzorg . He became a prisoner of war and was interned in a Japanese concentration camp. In 1946 he was appointed lecturer in zoology at the University of Batavia . From 1947 to 1949 he returned to the Netherlands on sick leave. In 1949 he became professor of zoology at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at Bandung University. Toxopeus was primarily a butterfly and entomologist. He also collected plants, including in 1921 and 1922 during an expedition of the Koninklijk Nederlands Aardrijkskundig Genootschap (KNAG, Royal Dutch Geographical Society) and the Maatschappij ter Bevordering van het Natuurkundig Onderzoek der Nederlandsche Koloniën (MBNO, Treub -Gesellschaft) on the Malay Archipelago as well as on another expedition to Sumatra in 1934. From 1938 to 1939 he was a participant in Richard Archbold's third expedition to New Guinea, where he collected over 100,000 insects. In 1949 he made his last expedition to the volcanic island of Krakatau .

In addition to his scientific articles, Toxopeus wrote numerous popular science articles for Dutch-Indian newspapers, including for the Algemeen Indisch Dagblad and De Vrije Pers .

On April 21, 1951, he was killed in a car accident in Bandung, Java.

Dedication names

Toxopeus is honored with the epitheta toxopeusi or toxopei in numerous insect taxa. Alexei Djakonow (1907-1989) established the butterfly genus Toxopeia from the family of round- fronted moths (Glyphipterigidae) in 1955 . Johannes Jacobus Smith , director of the Buitenzorg Botanical Garden from 1922 to 1924, named the plant species Rhododendron toxopei , Liparis toxopei and Eria toxopei after Toxopeus. In 1930 Hendrik Cornelis Siebers (1890–1949) honored Toxopeus in the type epithet of Buruloris ( Charmosyna toxopei ). In 1923, Oldfield Thomas described the taxon Murina florium toxopei from the bat family of the smooth-nosed bat from the island of Buru , which is now a synonym for the nominate form. The subspecies Acrocephalus stentoreus toxopei of the reed warbler from the island of Buru, described by Ernst Hartert in 1924, is currently a synonym for the form Acrocephalus stentoreus sumbae .

Fonts (selection)

  • Lycaenidae Australasiae 1. New investigations on the genus Lycaenopsis fields . Treubia 8: 365-375, 1926
  • Verslag van de negen-en-fijftigste Wintervergadering of the Dutch-Indian Entomological Association Ent. 69: lxix-lxxvi, 1927
  • A revision of the Javanese species belonging to Lycaenopsis and allied genera. Tijdschr. Ent. 70 : 232-302, 1pl., 27 figs; ibid. 71: 179-265, 1927-1928
  • Lycaenidae Australasiae 3 . Treubia 9: 423-435, 1927
  • Description of some butterflies (Riodinidae and Lycaenidae) from Pulau Weh near Sumatra. Lycaenidae Australasiae 5. Tijdschr. Ent. 72 : 204-214, 1929
  • De Riodinidae en Lycaenidae van het eiland Java (Lycaenidae Australasiae VI). Entomologisk tidskrift, 72 : 215-244, 1929
  • Lycaenidae Australasiae VII. Over Tajuria cippus (F.) (= longinus F.) en Pratapa blanka de Nic. Tijdschr. Ent. 72 : 245-262, 1929
  • De soort als functie van plaats en tijd, gotoetst aan de Lycaenidae van het Australaziatisch gebied , 198 pp., 1930
  • About some Bijzonderheden van de west-javaansche fauna, the wijzen op hair hybrid ontstaanswijze. Hand. Ned. -Ind. natural Cong. 6 : 417-427, 1931
  • Over some nieuwe of little known vlindersoorten. Verslagen van de Vergaderingen der Afdeeling Nederlandsch-Oost-Indië van de Nederlandsche Entomologische Vereeninging 1 : lxvii – lxxvii, 1932
  • Over Ruralis absolon (Hew.) Ent. Med. Ned.-Indie. 1 : 33-36, 1935
  • Over twee Lycaenidae: Celastrina lavendularis (Moore) en C. placidula (HH Druce). Ent. Meded. Ned. Ind. 4 : 68-72, 1935
  • Entomological Notities uit Nieuw-Guinea. Ent. Med. Ned-Indie. 6 : 17-21, 37-43, 1940


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