Regional Association of the Bavarian Dairy Industry

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The State Association of the Bavarian Dairy Industry e. V. (LVBM), based in the “House of Milk” in Munich, was the umbrella association for the dairy industry in Bavaria from 1956 to 2017 inclusive . Its purpose was to bundle the different interests of the organizations active in the dairy industry and to campaign for the quality and sales of milk products to strengthen the branch of the economy.


Were members of the LVBM

Ordinary members

Milk producers

Associate members

  • Dairy Association Allgäu-Schwaben e. V.
  • Dairy Association Franconia e. V.
  • Dairy Association Upper Bavaria e. V.

Chairman and Management

Most recently, Günther Felßner was the chairman of the regional association and Markus Bauer was his deputy. Maria Linderer was in charge of the management.


The association was founded in 1956. The foundation for the establishment was the milk and fat law passed in 1952 , in which uniform hygienic standards for milk production and processing were laid down for the first time. In order to successfully implement these provisions and further develop the milk as an economic factor in Bavaria, all groups involved in the value chain should be brought together under one roof: from milk producers to processing companies and milk retailers to consumer organizations.

At the request of the Association of the Bavarian Private Dairy Industry, the Association of Private Milk Processors of Bavaria and the Bavarian Cooperative Association, the general meeting on November 23, 2017 decided to dissolve LVBM immediately. The three dairy associations had previously agreed to reorganize essential joint tasks of the Bavarian dairy industry and founded an association, which is supported exclusively by dairies, to replace the previous state levy system. He continues the essential tasks of the Bavarian dairy industry (financing the schools for dairy professionals in Triesdorf and Kempten, as well as the South German Butter and Cheese Exchange, crisis management, communication and sales promotion). The new association received a board of trustees in which all associations and organizations previously represented in the state association are represented. The application for dissolution was justified with legal concerns of the EU Commission regarding the pay-as -you-go system as well as criticism of the main tasks and decision-making structures.

As a result of the dissolution of the state association, the Bavarian Farmers 'Association (BBV) installed its own milk committee and adjusted the scope of duties of the Bavarian Milk Producers' Association.


The main purpose of LVBM was to promote the quality and image of milk and milk products at home and abroad. She carried out press and public relations work for the Bavarian agriculture and dairy industry and provided information on dairy professions. As a contact person, she also answered questions about goods and nutrition (e.g. from consumers or journalists) on the subject of milk and was available to ministries, authorities, schools, research institutes and other institutions as a coordination partner. The association represented the Bavarian dairy industry at the federal level and formulated statements on current issues (laws, ordinances).

At the instigation of the regional association, the Bavarian cheese specialty “ Obatzter ” has been entered in the register of protected designations of origin and protected geographical information of the European Commission since 2015 .


The purpose was to convey a positive image for milk and cheese nationally and internationally and to convince consumers of the high quality and good taste of the products. Children and young people in particular should be encouraged to consume more dairy products through various campaigns.

Fields of activity

The association created information materials for consumers and multipliers such as teachers and nutritionists and carried out extensive press work. LVBM also carried out product knowledge training for sales staff , was represented at trade fairs and exhibitions and held its own events.

Trade fairs and exhibitions

To promote the image and sales of dairy products, the association was present with a joint stand of the Bavarian dairies at numerous trade fairs in Germany and abroad, for example the International Green Week in Berlin , the Biofach in Nuremberg, the Anuga in Cologne, the Internorga in Hamburg or the SIAL Paris .

Press work

The image promotion in favor of dairy products was supported by a communication campaign. This included press releases on dairy-related topics, media cooperation, initiation and media support for events and campaigns, development and publication of recipes and information on product innovations from Bavarian dairies. With the journal “Guad”, LVBM regularly informed the catering and hotel industry about current trends and recipes. The reports in the magazine provided background reports on companies, restaurants or gastronomy concepts.

Seminars and training courses

In cooperation with nutrition specialists, LVBM regularly held consumer seminars on health and nutrition topics. Commodity training at vocational schools, information events for sales staff and cooks as well as advanced training for doctors, teachers, dietitians and midwives were also part of the field of activity.

Milk in school

The association initiated and supported various campaigns on the subject of school milk and has developed brochures and materials that teachers can use for their lessons, but which also aimed to offer milk in the break.

International Milk Day

The International Milk Day was organized by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization initiated and the International Dairy Federation (IDF). Its aim is to keep people worldwide aware of milk as a natural and healthy drink for all nations and ages. In 2013 it took place for the 56th time; in recent years the day has been celebrated in over 30 countries. The day of the milk was organized by the regional association of the Bavarian dairy industry every year at different locations. The event is aimed at consumers of all ages. During campaigns, games and tastings on site, visitors should be provided with interesting information about milk.

Bavarian milk queen

The "office" of the milk queen was brought into being in 1985, the first incumbent was Christine Baab. The milk queen is chosen every two years. She acts as an ambassador and sympathizer for milk and cheese products. It represents the “Milchland Bayern” at press and consumer events, official receptions, exhibitions and trade fairs at home and abroad. She is supported in her office by a milk princess. Both “Highnesses” are involved in numerous events during their term of office. Since the dissolution of LVBM, the organization has been carried out by the Association of Milcherzeuger Bayern eV

Bavarian dairy industry in numbers

With a turnover share of around 40 percent, the Bavarian dairy industry is the most important branch of the Bavarian food industry . With a milk volume of more than 7 million tons, Bavaria accounts for around a third of the total milk production in Germany. In a European comparison, the Bavarian agriculture and dairy industry is more of a small-scale structure.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Claus Mayer: State Association of the Bavarian Dairy Industry is liquidated . In: Topagrar. November 24, 2017.
  2. Regional Association of the Bavarian Dairy Industry is dissolved. . In: Bayerisches Landwirtschaftliches Wochenblatt. November 24, 2017.
  3. Dairies drop the regional association. In: Bayerisches Landwirtschaftliches Wochenblatt. May 11, 2017.
  4. milk platform e. V .: Günter Felßner as guest. In: September 21, 2017.
  5. Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/1002 of the Commission of June 16, 2015 for the entry of a name in the register of protected designations of origin and protected geographical indications (Obazda / Obatzter (PGI)).