Neuruppin District Court

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Neuruppin District Court

The Neuruppin Regional Court is a court of ordinary jurisdiction and one of four regional courts in Brandenburg . It is based in Neuruppin and was established in 1993.

Instance move

District court in Schwedt / Oder

The district courts of Neuruppin , Oranienburg , Perleberg , Prenzlau , Schwedt / Oder (since January 1, 2013) and Zehdenick belong to the judicial district . The Brandenburg Higher Regional Court is superordinate to the Neuruppin Regional Court.


In addition to the Neuruppin labor court and the public prosecutor's office , the regional court is housed in buildings of the former Prussian Königstork barracks.

Well-known judgments

The Neuruppin district court ruled u. a. in the trial of two former East Germany - prosecutors for violation of the law to the detriment of dissident Robert Havemann , the murder case of Marinus Schöberl , in the dispute over the right-wing clothing brand Thor Steinar and in respect of charges of sedition by a poster featuring Gerald Asamoah showed (acquittal on charges of incitement, Insult is statute-barred).

In addition, there were 19 trials with 31 defendants in Neuruppin as part of the wall rifle trials, which ended with suspended sentences for 19 gunmen .

The members of the XY gang were also convicted here.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Prison sentences for ex-GDR public prosecutors RP Online from August 15, 2000
  2. Der Tagesspiegel : Deadly hatred - 149 deaths from right-wing violence, p. 13 , accessed on September 21, 2012
  3. Decision of the 2nd major criminal chamber of the Neuruppin Regional Court ( memento of the original from September 17, 2012 in the web archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , 12 Qs 34/04, November 17, 2004 @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  4. trial report in the Potsdam Latest News
  5. ^ Report on the judgment in the Potsdamer Neuesten Nachrichten
  6. ↑ Insulting Asamoah was not hate speech , Spiegel Online from April 18, 2008

Web links

Coordinates: 52 ° 55 ′ 11 ″  N , 12 ° 48 ′ 11 ″  E