Lasar Solomonowitsch Stilbans

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Lasar Solomonovich Stilbans ( Russian Лазарь Соломонович Стильбанс * June 4 . Jul / 17th June  1917 greg. In Minsk ; † 1988 ) was a Belarusian - Russian physicist and university teacher .


Stilbans studied at the physical - mechanical faculty of the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute , graduating in 1939 in experimental physics . He was then involved in the development of a military tracking system at Leningrad Plant No. 212 as a development engineer .

At the beginning of the German-Soviet war Stilbans entered the on July 4, 1941 Volksopoltschenije one. He took part in the battles near Kharkov , the defense of Stalingrad and the liberation of Ukraine , and then in the conquest of Romania , Bulgaria , Hungary , Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia . In April 1946 he was demobilized in Austria .

In 1946, Stilbans entered the Leningrad Physical and Technical Institute (LFTI) of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (AN-SSSR). There he was initially involved in the commissioning of a cyclotron . As an employee of Abram Fedorovich Joffe and Yuri Petrovich Maslakowez he developed Semiconductors - thermocouples . In 1949–1951, a refrigerator with an efficiency of more than 13% was developed for the first time under Stilban's leadership . Joffe's theory of thermoelectric cooling has been confirmed experimentally. In 1952 he defended his candidate dissertation . In the same year he went with Joffe and other employees to the new semiconductor laboratory, which in 1954 became the semiconductor institute of the AN-SSSR. In 1955, Stilbans became head of the laboratory for thermocouple physics there. He was a co-author of the monograph on thermoelectric cooling, published in 1956 , which then also appeared in England , France and Japan . After defending his doctoral thesis in 1961, he was awarded a doctorate in physical and mathematical sciences .

For many years, Stilbans held his physics lecture as a professor at the Department of Technical Electronics at the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute. This resulted in his monograph on semiconductor physics.

Honors, prizes

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g Электронная библиотека Научное Наследие: Стильбанс Лазарь Соломонович (accessed January 18, 2019).
  2. Музей 4-ого Гвардейского Сталинградского Краснознамённого орденов Суворова и Куворова и Куворова и Кутузова механаниз ).
  3. А.Ф. Иоффе, Л.С. Стильбанс, Е.К. Иорданшвили, Т.С. Ставицкая: Термоэлектрическое охлаждение . Изд-во АН СССР ,, Moscow, Leningrad 1956.
  4. Л.С. Стильбанс: Физика полупроводников . Сов. радио, Moscow 1967.
  5. Russian Academy of Sciences: Стильбанс Лазарь Соломонович (accessed January 18, 2019).