Vice of humanity

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Original title Vice of humanity
Country of production Germany
original language German
Publishing year 1927
length approx. 97 minutes
Director Rudolf Meinert
script Leo Birinsky
production Rudolf Meinert for Ifa, Berlin
music Willy Schmidt-Gentner
camera Ludwig Lippert

Vices of Mankind is a German silent film made at the end of 1926 and directed by Rudolf Meinert with Asta Nielsen in the lead role.


The opera singer Tamara is heavily dependent on cocaine. Depending on her manager Mangol, who also acts as her coke supplier, he goes in and out of her house and uses it as his drug trading center. Through her addiction, Tamara has now lost both her husband and her daughter, who is growing up with her ex-husband. In order to spare their greater suffering, he told both of their daughters that the mother had died. When her daughter is sitting in the audience one evening, she becomes a great admirer of Tamara’s singing skills.

For the unscrupulous Mangol, the young girl is nothing more than another potential customer whom he wants to make addicted to cocaine. But this time Tamara is on her guard; Mangol shouldn't also mess up the life of your loved ones. She uses all her strength to snatch the daughter from the clutches of the dealer and wants to give her back into the safe hands of her ex-husband. Tamara sees no more hope for herself and performs an act of desperation, while Mangol is strangled with bare hands by one of his junkie customers.

Production notes

Vices of mankind , sometimes referred to as “ Vices ”, was created at the end of 1926 in the Ifa studio, was censored on February 12, 1927 and was banned from young people. The world premiere took place on April 5, 1927 in the marble house. The seven-stroke was 2,437 meters long.

The film structures were designed by Robert A. Dietrich . The film received the rating "popular education".

For Asta Nielsen, vice of mankind meant a return to the camera after a year of abstinence from film. It had been boycotted by the German film industry since the end of 1925.


Paimann's film lists summed up: “In spite of its tendency, the subject is interesting due to the strong plot, particularly successful in drawing the milieu, while Nielsen offers one of her most mature achievements in the role of cocaineist. Abel also plays excellently. The rest of the ensemble as well as the presentation and the photography are satisfactory in every respect. "

“I had adopted a novel film subject that interested me very much, it was called 'Human Vices'. The female lead should be a mother who, through and through, a cocaineist, does everything possible to protect her daughter from this evil and the people who do business with it. In my opinion, a 'great role'. She could play Nielsen - Nielsen is the only one - but Nielsen hadn't turned for a long time. "

- Director Rudolf Meinert about Asta Nielsen

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Vices of Mankind ( Memento of the original from March 24, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. In Paimann's film lists @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /