Le deuxième commencement

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Original title Le deuxième commencement
Country of production France , Germany
original language French
Publishing year 2012
length 51 minutes
Age rating FSK 12
Director André Schneider
script André Schneider
production André Schneider
music Thorsten Strohbeck
camera Jennifer Eberhardt
cut Jennifer Eberhardt,
André Schneider
  • Laurent Delpit: Laurent
  • André Schneider: André
  • Marc Hodapp: Gabriel
  • Hanna Schwab: Ariane
  • Martin Freudenstein: friend of Laurent and André

Le deuxième commencement - The Second Beginning is a French-German film drama from 2012 .


For over ten years, the French Laurent and the German André were a couple. André had left his home for their relationship and moved to Paris to live with Laurent . It has been three years since they split up. André lives in Berlin again , directs small plays and has an affair with the actor Gabriel. One evening the phone rings and Laurent announces his visit. Immediately a queasy feeling spreads. When Laurent arrives in Berlin, the two really manage to communicate with each other for the first time - and discover that their feelings for one another are anything but dead. After a long weekend together, the two decide to try again.

The action is interrupted by interviews with a documentary look, which the two of them speak directly into the camera or to an imaginary journalist and which reveal the different perceptions of their relationship.


The film was shot between December 2011 and the beginning of March 2012 in Berlin and Paris on a total of 16 shooting days. It was André Schneider's first French film. The positive response allowed him to shoot other films in France in the following years, including the thriller One Deep Breath with Manuel Blanc and directed by Antony Hickling . On December 7, 2016, Le deuxième commencement was released in France as a bonus film on the DVD of the film Sur les traces de ma mère by Ian Hansen.


Le deuxième commencement was awarded the Grand Jury Prize as Best Film at the 2012 Aye Aye International Film Festival in Nancy , France .


Le deuxième commencement received positive reviews without exception for its festival run in France, Spain and the USA. In Germany, Thomas Ays from moviesection.de said:

“It has become an almost 50-minute homage to love, staged by the main actor, director, screenwriter and producer André Schneider. He relies on unusual and very stylish camera work and on his words. […] In times when in gay cinema it is only a matter of what the guys who can be seen in it look like, a film like André Schneider's is all the more important. Both characters (and actors) are in their 30s, don't have glossy bodies, and weren't drowned in makeup before every scene. Of course, really. Attributes that are not found very often in German and international homosexual film these days - tragically. Schneider preserves this naturalness and delivers a sweet and sometimes very warm story and staging. […] The second beginning - Le deuxième commencement has become a quiet and very likeable film, in which there is little to complain about in terms of the staging and which has some great scenes to offer. "

Le deuxième commencement , c'est avant tout une histoire d'amour qui parle à tous ceux, hommes et femmes confondus, tout individu à part entière d'ailleurs, qui sont un jour tombés amoureux, pour le meilleur comme pour le pire. Un amour qui les a épanouis, les a rendus heureux puis malheureux, un amour qui a même fini par les désunir. Désunion s'il en est, puisque les deux protagonistes de cette histoire décident finalement de se donner une deuxième chance, quelques années après leur rupture consommée. "(Rose H., ladiesroom.fr)

Festivals (selection)

  • Festival Chéries-Chéris Paris, France
  • Dunas Festival, Gran Canaria , Spain
  • Outview Film Festival, Athens , Greece

Web links