Leo Hao

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Leo Hao ( Russian Лео Хао , transliteration Leo Chao , civic Алексей Михайлович Шамровский, Aleksei Mikhailovich Schamrowskij * 1. March 1973 in Moscow ) is a Russian painter and graphic designer , mainly for its with Fantasy provided motifs Albums Cover has become known.

Hao first worked as an undertaker and learned painting as an autodidact . He first appeared in 2001 as a cover illustrator for the Russian heavy metal band Arija , for whom he drew the cover for the album Chimera . As a result, Hao worked for numerous other works by this band. He gained international fame through cover designs for Blind Guardian , Iced Earth , Demons & Wizards and Nocturnal Rites .

In addition to this employment in the music business, Hao also works as an illustrator for various fantasy authors, including a. for Nik Perumov and Yuri Nikitin . He also designed an illustrated version of JRR Tolkien'sThe Lord of the Rings ” and worked on the artwork for the Heroes of Might and Magic V computer game .

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