Leo Longanesi

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Leo Longanesi (born August 30, 1905 in Bagnacavallo , † September 27, 1957 in Milan ) was an Italian journalist , publisher , draftsman , illustrator and humorist .


After studying law at the University of Bologna , Longanesi began working as a journalist.

In the course of his life he founded the following newspapers and magazines: È permesso , Il Toro , L'italiano and Omnibus (the latter was the only real weekly magazine in Italy when it was in existence from 1937 to 1939 and had to be discontinued due to its satirical attitude).

Its most important foundation by far was that of L'italiano in 1927. In the then ongoing debate about the relationship between fascism and art, the magazine took the position that there was no such thing as fascist art. According to Eugenio Montale , the contributions of L'italiano were the best and boldest that fascist Italy produced in those years.

Also noteworthy was his work as a draftsman and illustrator, which even allowed him to participate in the 1934 Biennale di Venezia . His aphorisms also achieved notoriety .

After the Second World War he founded the Longanesi publishing house and in 1950 the magazines Il Borghese and Oggi .

Between 1938 and 1944 Longanesi was also active in the cinema; In addition to screenwriting, he first directed Vivere ancora, which was completed in 1944 , before the film by Nino Giannini was finished.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Roberto Poppi: Dizionario del cinema italiano. I registers. Gremese Editore, Rome 2002, p. 245