Leon Lampros

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Leon Lampros ( Middle Greek Λέων Λαμπρός ; † after July 1043) was a Byzantine patrician and conspirator against Emperor Constantine IX.


Leon officiated at the beginning of the reign of Constantine IX. as Strategos the the topic Armeniac Theme belonging Kuratoreia Melitene . In July 1043 the eunuch Stephanos Pergamenos , the Constantine IX. had just saved the throne against the usurper Georgios Maniakes , launched a conspiracy against the emperor, which was however exposed. Allegedly he had planned to bring Leon, the son of his confidante Lampros , to the Byzantine throne. Stephanos was convicted of high treason, shaved off as a monk and exiled . It is not known what consequences the exposure of the conspiracy had for Leon himself; his father was tortured , blinded and brought before the Agora in Constantinople in a shameful procession .



  • Jean-Claude Cheynet: Pouvoir et contestations à Byzance (963-1210) (= Publications de la Sorbonne. Series Byzantina Sorbonensia. Vol. 9). Reimpression. Publications de la Sorbonne Center de Recherches d'Histoire et de Civilization Byzantines, Paris 1996, ISBN 2-85944-168-5 , pp. 58-59 No. 62.

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