Leonard Wintorowski

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Leonard Wintorowski (also Winterowski , born November 5, 1875 in Chernivtsi , † May 9, 1927 in Warsaw ) was a portrait and landscape painter .


Nude by Kazimiera Niewiarowska .

Wintorowski studied at the Cracow School of Art , his teachers were Teodor Axentowicz and Leopold Löffler . However, Wintorowski finished his studies at the Vienna Academy .

When the First World War broke out, Wintorowski worked as a special draftsman for the Leipziger Illustrierte Zeitung in the theaters of war in Galicia and Serbia . In the first year of the war in 1914 in particular, he provided numerous templates for postcards and title pages for the benefit of the relief organizations of the War Welfare Office, whose director he also portrayed in 1915. In 1916, he depicted the Austrian and German General Staff with Archduke Friedrich and Colonel General Mackensen in a monumental painting, which has unfortunately been lost .

From November 1916 to November 1918 he belonged to the Austro-Hungarian War Press Quarters as a war painter and worked as such in the Carpathian Mountains , near Lublin and on the southern front in the area of ​​the 1st Army Corps near Feltre .

In the sources, the spelling of his last name alternates between "Winterowski" and "Wintorowski" steadily back and forth. However, he always signed his works with “Wintorowski”.

Works (selection)

  • Battle of Austrian Uhlans with Circassians in Nadworna, Galicia , 1915. Oil on canvas, 111 × 180 cm, Heeresgeschichtliches Museum , Vienna.


  • Liselotte Popelka: From hurray to the corpse field. Paintings from the war picture collection 1914-1918 . Vienna, 1981

Web links

Commons : Leonard Winterowski  - album with pictures, videos and audio files


  1. Liselotte Popelka: From Hurray to the corpse field. Paintings from the war picture collection 1914-1918 . Vienna, 1981, p. 12