Leopold Wilhelm von Königsegg-Rothenfels

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Leopold Wilhelm Graf von Königsegg-Rothenfels (born May 25, 1630 in Immenstadt , † February 5, 1694 in Vienna ) was Vice President of the Imperial Court Council and Imperial Vice Chancellor of the Holy Roman Empire .

Leopold Wilhelm Graf von Königsegg-Rothenfels


The father was the Imperial Chamber President and Director of the Swabian Count College Hugo Graf von Koenigsegg -Rothenfels. The mother was Maria Renata (born from Hohenzollern-Hechingen). He himself married Countess Maria Polyxena von Schärffenberg in 1658. As the second woman he married Eleonore Franziska di San Martino Marchesa di Parella in 1684. The first marriage had seven sons and four daughters. Field Marshal Joseph Lothar von Königsegg-Rothenfels was among the sons .


From 1651 he was King Ferdinand's chamberlain . In 1653 he became a member of the Imperial Court Council. In the years 1656/57 Königsegg-Rothenfels accompanied Emperor Leopold on his travels to Hungary, to Frankfurt in 1658 and on a journey through Inner Austria in 1660. In 1666 he became Vice-President of the Imperial Court Council. As the imperial commissioner and envoy for the Reichstürkenhilfe , he traveled to the Reich and foreign courts from 1651 to 1665 and from 1672 to 1673.

In 1669 Königsegg-Rothenfels became Vice Chancellor. When he became a member of the secret council in 1671, he left the Reichshofrat. Since 1676 he was also a member of the secret conference.

The reason for this rather late involvement was the politically deliberate isolation of the Reichshof Chancellery. The Austrian court party under the court chancellor Johann Paul Hocher tried with success to keep the Reichshof chancellery away from all political questions, including those that affected the empire. In earlier years the Reichshof Chancellery had also dealt with Austrian issues, now the political focus was on the Court Chancellery. Nevertheless, Königsegg-Rothenfels itself played an important role in establishing the electoral dignity for Hanover .

Königsegg-Rothenfels succeeded after the death of the Arch Chancellor of Mainz, Johann Philipp von Schönborn , against whom the court party had considerable reservations, and after Hocher's death in 1683 he was able to expand his position. He was now considered one of the most important ministers, and the Reichshof Chancellery regained influence on Reich politics.


In 1862, at the place where he died, in Vienna- Mariahilf (6th district), Königsegggasse was named after him. In 1688 he acquired land in what is now Gumpendorfer Strasse 74-76 and built his Palais Königsegg there. In 1754 Maria Theresia acquired the palace and set up the imperial engineering school in it. In 1841 the Vienna magistrate bought the building; it was demolished in 1886.


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Commons : Leopold Wilhelm von Königsegg-Rothenfels  - Collection of images, videos and audio files