Wustrow lighthouse

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Wustrow lighthouse
The old lighthouse (2004)
The old lighthouse (2004)
Place: Wustrow (Fischland)
Location: Fischland between Saaler Bodden and Mecklenburg Bay
Geographical location: 54 ° 20 '8.8 "  N , 12 ° 22' 33"  E Coordinates: 54 ° 20 '8.8 "  N , 12 ° 22' 33"  E
Height of tower base: m above sea level NHN
Fire carrier height : 10 m
Fire height : 12 m
Wustrow lighthouse (Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania)
Wustrow lighthouse
Identifier : Oc (3) w.12s
Scope knows: 16 nm (29.6 km )
Function: Sector Fire
Construction time: 1911
Operating time: 1911-2014
International ordinal number: C 1436

The Wustrow lighthouse , also known as the Wustrow fog station , stood on the municipal area of Wustrow , about two kilometers southwest of the town center. The beacon was extinguished in 2014 and the building was demolished in spring 2016 . As a replacement, a new sector light was set up on the pier .


Due to the increasing number of ship accidents on the Wustrow coastline, the Grand Ducal Ministry in Schwerin confirmed the construction of a steam-powered fog horn system in 1910 . Their siren sounds could be heard up to six nautical miles . In addition, a device was installed in 1911 with which a spirit light could be drawn up on the chimney of the machine house.

The fog signal was operated with steam until 1922. With the electrification of Wustrow, the station was converted to electrical operation. In 1933 a ten-meter-high square lighthouse with two galleries was added to the north corner of the building. From 1972 the beacon and fog signal were switched to automatic operation. The Nebelhorn was taken out of service in 1987.

The new beacon on the pier

Since 2008 it was feared that the building could endanger the coastal protection and that it would have to be removed from the dike for this reason . As a replacement, an eight-meter-high tubular mast has been erected on the Wustrow pier . The old sector fire was extinguished on April 1st, 2014 and put back into operation one day later on the new fire carrier. The old lantern was dismantled on April 23, 2014 and stored at the Stralsund Waterways and Shipping Authority. In spring 2016 the building was demolished and the dike line straightened.

Support association

The Förderverein Nebelstation Wustrow eV , founded on April 17, 2014, wanted to save the building , which was over 100 years old but not recognized as a monument , from the threat of demolition and set up a museum. The necessary dike reinforcement and building renovation were estimated at 775,000 euros. The association wanted to achieve this amount with donations and public funding. In the meantime, the aim of the association is to rebuild the beacon at a different location.

Web links

Commons : Leuchtturm Wustrow  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Announcement for Seafarers 44/14. (No longer available online.) WSA Stralsund , March 27, 2014, archived from the original on March 4, 2016 ; accessed on March 15, 2015 . Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.elwis.de
  2. Fog station: Support association shows its flag. (PDF) Ostsee-Zeitung , January 10, 2015, accessed on March 15, 2015 .