Lev Sergeevich Pushkin

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Lev Pushkin,
portrayed by Aleksander Orłowski around 1820
Lev Pushkin,
drawn in Odessa in 1849

Lev Sergeyevich Pushkin ( Russian Лев Сергеевич Пушкин ; born April 17, jul. / 29. April  1805 greg. In Moscow , † July 19 . Jul / 31 July  1852 . Greg in Odessa ), the brother of Alexander Pushkin , was one of the two sons of the couple Nadezhda and Sergei Pushkin .

After the fire in Moscow in 1814, the family moved from Nizhny Novgorod via Warsaw to Saint Petersburg . Lev attended the Petri School there from 1815 , then the Tsarskoje Selo Lyceum and finally the First Classical Gymnasium at the university, founded in 1817 . Lew was expelled from the latter educational institution in 1821. He had taken part in a protest against the dismissal of the teacher of literature Küchelbecker .

During Alexander Pushkin's exile to southern Russia from 1820 to 1824, Lev managed literary affairs for his brother in Petersburg as a secretary, so to speak - for example, negotiations with publishers, etc.

From November 1824 Lev Pushkin worked for two years in the diplomatic service and then took part in the Russian-Persian War as a flag junior in the 17th Nizhny Novgorod Dragoon Regiment. After the end of the war, on leave until May 1831, he joined the Finnish Dragoon Regiment as a staff captain , entered the Polish-Russian War in 1830/1831 and returned from Warsaw to Petersburg in the autumn of 1833. Initially employed as a civil servant in the Ministry of the Interior there, he joined the troops in the Caucasus in 1836 - this time as a captain.

In 1842 he finally quit military service as a major and worked again as a civil servant - now at the Odessa port toll.

Lev Pushkin married in 1843 Jelisaweta Alexandrowna Sagrjaschskaja (1823-1898), daughter of Alexander Michailowitsch Sagrjaschski, civil governor of Siberia . The Sagrjaschskis were relatives of his sister-in-law Natalja . Lev Pushkin had three children with Jelisaveta.

  • Olga (1844-1923),
  • Anatoly (1846-1903),
  • Maria (1849-1928).

Lev Pushkin died of dropsy and was buried in the Odessa Old Christian Cemetery.

Lev's letters and memories of brother Alexander are kept in the Pushkin House in Petersburg .

Alexander Pushkin dedicated two poems to his brother Lev.

  • 1823: Брат милый, отроком расстался ты со мной ( Dear brother, you broke up with me ),
  • 1824: Послание к Л. Пушкину ( message to L. Pushkin ).


Web links

Commons : Lev Pushkin  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Russian ru: Школа № 321 (Санкт-Петербург)
  2. Russian ru: Нижегородский 17-й драгунский полк
  3. Russian ru: Отдельный Кавказский корпус (Российская империя)
  4. Russian Елизавета Александровна Загряжская
  5. Russian ru: Старое христианское кладбище (Одесса)
  6. Russian ru: Пушкинский Дом
  7. Russian Олег Губарь